Hydrological Sciences

Science communication

CrowdWater: A Citizen Science Revolution for Flood Prediction with Machine Learning

CrowdWater: A Citizen Science Revolution for Flood Prediction with Machine Learning

CrowdWater is a citizen science project that enables the collection and sharing of water level data on streams and rivers worldwide using virtual scales. As part of the project, a CrowdWater (CW) mobile application was developed that allows users to take and upload geo-referenced photos of water bodies, which are then processed and stored in a global database. CW data provides valuable information ...[Read More]

Communicating science to the public – an example after the recent floods in Germany

Communicating science to the public – an example after the recent floods in Germany

After the wet December 2023, the year 2024 started with widespread flooding in parts of Europe. Flooding during winter times is not unusual but brings particular challenges in terms of spatial extent, and the impact on people can be exacerbated when flooding comes with very low temperatures. The exceptionally wet and warm winter necessarily triggers questions from the public about how this links t ...[Read More]

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology has become a major task for hydrologists. But what are the main advantages and challenges reflecting to break the academic silos?  What is interdisciplinary water research? Interdisciplinary research activities within human-water research have increased in recent years, not only in terms of research proposals and requests from funding agencies (such as t ...[Read More]

Join the IAHS’ New Scientific Decade: Science for Water Solutions – HELPING

Join the IAHS’ New Scientific Decade: Science for Water Solutions – HELPING

What are the most pressing research topics in the international community of hydrologists? What are people working on? And how can you become involved?  Many hydrologists, especially early career scientists, struggle to find answers to these questions.  That is where the scientific decades of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) come in. Specifically, its latest one – ...[Read More]