Hydrological Sciences

Ecohydrology, wetlands & estuaries

Co-benefits of Nature-based Solutions: what we know and what we should know

Co-benefits of Nature-based Solutions: what we know and what we should know

Nature-based Solutions are on everyone’s lips in the view of their risk reduction potential but also their social, economic, and environmental side effects (so-called co-benefits). But how significant are these co-benefits? What are NBS? Nature-based Solutions (or in short NBS) are an umbrella term for ecosystem-based solutions to counteract societal challenges such as climate change, disaster, bi ...[Read More]

Amilcare Porporato (2020 John Dalton Medallist) on agile models for complex systems in the environmental sciences

Amilcare Porporato (2020 John Dalton Medallist) on agile models for complex systems in the environmental sciences

The EGU 2020 John Dalton Medal of the EGU Division on Hydrological Sciences was awarded to Amilcare Porporato for his contributions to the field of ecohydrology and for developing new theories for the analysis of soil-plant-atmosphere systems across scales. Given the online EGU 2020 GA, the medal lecture is postponed to 2021. In April, Amilcare wrote the post below to the HS community. I’m very ha ...[Read More]

Hydrological tipping points: Can we tip the bucket?

Hydrological tipping points: Can we tip the bucket?

We live in a time of unprecedented pressure on water resources. The combination of drivers, such as human water use and land use, climate change by greenhouse gases and the human modification of other components of the Earth system coupled to the water cycle, may be pushing water resources beyond levels of sustainability at all spatial scales (Gleeson et al., 2020; Zipper et al., 2020). A particul ...[Read More]

“Everything is interaction and reciprocal”

“Everything is interaction and reciprocal”

The first time I came across Alexander von Humboldt I was a freshman at the University of Bayreuth. We were proudly told that we were studying environmental science in a region where Humboldt used to work in, prior to his adventures in the Americas. Within EGU, von Humboldt is well known, in connection with the Union medal for “scientists who have performed research in developing regions for the b ...[Read More]