Hydrological Sciences

Bettina Schaefli

Bettina Schaefli is a professor for hydrology at University of Bern (Switzerland). She was the head of the Catchment Hydrology Subdivision of EGU from 2016-2019 and was editor of the Hydrology and Earth System Sciences journal (2008-2022). She has been the lead editor of the Hydrological Sciences division blog since 2018.

History of Hydrology@EGU2025 and beyond

History of Hydrology@EGU2025 and beyond

You are certainly aware of the continued efforts of a group of hydrologists, with the lead of Keith Beven, to shed light on the history of hydrology, including the History of Hydrology Wiki . Looking back to those who shaped our science, the questions they addressed and those that remain open is essential to understand the role of hydrology in earth system sciences, in the development of field res ...[Read More]

Mapping the Future of Freshwater: An Interview with Niko Wanders on the World Water Map Project

Mapping the Future of Freshwater: An Interview with Niko Wanders on the World Water Map Project

Back in 2022, two hydrologists and water resources specialists from University of Utrecht launched the World Water Map  in collaboration with the National Geographic Society and ESRI. Based on the outputs of their global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB, the team of Marc Bierkens and Niko Wanders map global water resources and identify the regions most at risk of water scarcity. The maps combine stat ...[Read More]

Hortonian overland flow: when theory becomes reality

Hortonian overland flow: when theory becomes reality

Hortonian overland flow – if you have ever followed a hydrology class, you have certainly come across this jargon:  this is the name of a hydrological process – when rainfall flows off at the terrain surface because the rainfall intensity is so high that not all the water can infiltrate into the soil (rainfall intensity is higher than infiltration capacity). Almost every hydrological m ...[Read More]

Call to participate to the public consultation for the Water4All-Partnership

Call to participate to the public consultation for the Water4All-Partnership

Those of you who are active in proposal writing might know the programme Water4All Partnership – Water Security for the Planet. It is a funding programme for scientific research in freshwater with the goal to address urgent water-related challenges. The programme is co-funded by the European Union within the frame of the Horizon Europe programme (lasting until 2027) and includes 90 partners ...[Read More]