

Rayleigh-Taylor instability in geodynamics

Rayleigh-Taylor instability in geodynamics

Flow against gravity is a common feature in the geodynamic phenomenon. In this week’s Geodynamics 101, Dip Ghosh from Jadavpur University Geodynamics Lab will explain the fundamentals of Rayleigh-Taylor instability: A key to understanding the anti-gravity flow. It has long been realized that most of the geodynamic processes can be described in terms of slow viscous flow. Thus, like many othe ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – You Don’t Have To Be Mad To Work Here…

The Sassy Scientist – You Don’t Have To Be Mad To Work Here…

…but it helps. Everyone has one colleague with that pinned above their desk. Sometimes with pictures of kittens. Lucile doesn’t want to be that interview candidate, so she asks: How can I prepare for an academic interview? Dear Lucile, Tips on how to appear to be a sane, motivated, enthusiastic, friendly, people-loving, positive, high-achieving, committed scientist? You’ve come t ...[Read More]

Carbon in the cloud

Carbon in the cloud

If I asked you about what your carbon footprint is, your mind might jump to the food choices you make when at the supermarket, or how many conferences you fly to when you could get a train (well, not now, but you know, back in ye olden days). In this week’s post, Eoghan Totten, a PhD student at the University of Oxford, discusses the potential “hidden” impacts on your contributio ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Choose Your Mantle Game

The Sassy Scientist – Choose Your Mantle Game

Lockdown rumination resulted in new research ideas for Amélie. Her quests at the intersection of multiple subfields left her wondering: How to write an interdisciplinary proposal? Dear Amélie, I salute your efforts at bringing together multiple disciplines to tackle some of humanity’s most urgent questions regarding planetary interiors. I am myself an interdisciplinary scientist and a polyma ...[Read More]