

Whole solid-Earth numerical simulation: Towards an understanding of mantle-core interactive dynamics

Whole solid-Earth numerical simulation: Towards an understanding of mantle-core interactive dynamics

Due to huge difference between the time scale of the mantle convection and the outer core convection, they are modelled separately. In this week’s News and Views, Masaki Yoshida from the Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior Research Center, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan, put forward the recent development on the modeling of the whole solid-Earth. The E ...[Read More]

The short story of my PhD

The short story of my PhD

PhD students’ struggles are alike; each succeed in their own way[1] It was a Friday morning, and nearly 3 years had passed since I arrived at Sydney. This meant, I only had one month left to submit my thesis! No sooner had I entered my office than a feeling of anxiety had found me. I had no time to dig deep into my own thoughts to discover what was happening, although it was obvious. Instead, I re ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – A Digital Didgeridoo: Part 2

The Sassy Scientist – A Digital Didgeridoo: Part 2

After a year of being glued to screens, Matej can sadly only keep up with one tab at a time and asks with intense FOMO: What have I missed from vEGU 2021? Dear Matej, Oh, dear! This week has been truly intense, and I do not blame your Internet bandwidth for not keeping up with all the parallel discussions and science from vEGU. In fact, it turns out that on Monday the conference platform was taken ...[Read More]

Geology bites: In conversation with researchers

Geology bites: In conversation with researchers

We are still in a lockdown and we can still use some entertainment for when we stare at the same four walls for hours on end or go on our daily walk. Fear not, dear reader, I have got just the thing for you in these troubling times: the new podcast Geology Bites hosted by Oliver Strimpel: Don’t fret about the name, there’s plenty of geodynamics content as well. In ...[Read More]