

The Supercontinent Cycle

The Supercontinent Cycle

From orbital, to climatic, to tectonic evolution, many aspects of the Earth’s dynamics feature high degrees of cyclicity and episodicity, which can give us important insights into how the Earth’s works. The supercontinent cycle is an example capturing the Earth’s grandest scales and this week EGU geodynamics blog editor Tobias Rolf takes a closer look at it. Pangaea. This is a familiar term to eve ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Video Versatility

The Sassy Scientist – Video Versatility

Lis has been studying, investigating, deconvoluting, cross-correlating, referencing, inverting, plotting, database searching … and whatnot. With just a few synapses still firing at all cylinders and demonstrating an uninterrupted dispense of productivity, she wonders: Should I start my own (geodynamics…?) online video channel? Dear Lis, Why not? Everyone’s not working properly anyways in this day- ...[Read More]

Cybersecurity at work

Cybersecurity at work

In this weeks Wit & Wisdom, revisit some cybersecurity 101 nuggets! We are not even half-way through 2021 and I can list more than a handful of occasions where my cyber-safety, both private and professional, was jeopardised (that I have been made aware of, the actual number is probably much higher). The Dutch research council was hacked1 (ransomware; documents leaked after refusal to pay; fund ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – On The Rocks

The Sassy Scientist – On The Rocks

Sitting here and enjoying the view on the third rock from the Sun, Nana wants to get into the details. The whole may be more than the sum of the parts, but those parts can be pretty interesting too: What’s the most important rock? Dear Nana, I so value your decision to contact me; I decided to take your question very seriously and do some actual research. Method: how many abstracts were subm ...[Read More]