

101 about Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics

101 about Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics

2022 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Numerical Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics is finally coming! Have you got started packing for travelling to Hungary? I got you something to read about on your way to the workshop. Who is Ada Lovelace? The workshop, previously known as the ‘International Workshops on Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics’, was renamed in 2018 by the EGU Topical Events Committee ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Proposing Stardom

Whether you’re just starting out in academia or have been around the block a few times so speak, setting out a new proposal is daunting. Whether it’s coming up with the research topic or fieldwork idea, figuring out how to get the support you need or submitting it to whoever you need approval from, none of it is easy. That’s why Jasper has asked us: What is the secret for an amaz ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Geolidays

The Sassy Scientist – Geolidays

Recently, we’ve been discussing how you can fit a holiday into your busy schedule. But once you’ve found the time to take a few days off you then have to decide where to go. This can be almost as challenging, which is why Simone has asked me: What are the best holiday destinations for a geodynamicist? Dear Simone, Excellent question! There’s nothing worse than putting all the effort into organisin ...[Read More]