Hydrological Sciences

Hydrological Sciences

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) in Geoscience Miniseries – Part 3: Getting it all together – Cables, Breadboards and Circuit Boards

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) in Geoscience Miniseries – Part 3: Getting it all together – Cables, Breadboards and Circuit Boards

You got all your components for your project, so now it’s all about getting it all together. Then it’s great to be able to quickly exchange components and change wiring. That’s where a so-called “breadboard” comes in handy. It’s an easy to use device where you can connect microelectronic components without the need to solder anything.   Breadboards are like pinboards for cables and microelect ...[Read More]

Using rainy day temperatures to predict the future of 100-year downpours

Using rainy day temperatures to predict the future of 100-year downpours

It’s hard to overstate the importance of so-called “rainfall frequency analysis,” or the estimation of rare rainfall probabilities such as the 100-year storm. Billions of euros worth of infrastructure and planning decisions are made every year around the world based on such statistics.  Unfortunately, extreme short-duration rainfall—meaning very high rainfall rates over a few minutes to a few hour ...[Read More]

Historical evolution of water management: the example of Switzerland over 200 years

Historical evolution of water management: the example of  Switzerland over 200 years

How can we use and manage natural resources more sustainably? This question stands at the core of many social, political and scientific debates about how we can reach the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The targets are ambitious, and there is a growing consensus that rapid and extensive structural change is needed in various sectors simultaneously. However, how transformation ...[Read More]

Call for Blog Contributions: The HydroData Chronicles

Call for Blog Contributions: The HydroData Chronicles

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our newest blog series dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of hydrological datasets.  Join us on this exciting journey as we uncover the hidden stories within hydrological data.  By highlighting cutting-edge research, insightful analyses, and captivating data, we aim to shed light on the intricacies of hydrology and draw your attention to dat ...[Read More]