Hydrological Sciences

Hydrological Sciences

Brian Berkowitz (2021 John Dalton Medallist) on modelling fluid flow and chemical transport in hydrology: complexity vs. simplicity

Brian Berkowitz (2021 John Dalton Medallist) on modelling fluid flow and chemical transport in hydrology: complexity vs. simplicity

The EGU 2021 John Dalton Medal of the EGU Division on Hydrological Sciences was awarded to Brian Berkowitz for his seminal contributions to analysis of flow and anomalous transport in natural porous and fractured media, with pioneering experimental methods and novel conceptual frameworks. His medal lecture was presented at the online vEGU 2021 meeting. We invited Brian to contribute a blog post to ...[Read More]

Featured catchment: Hydrometeorological observations in an agricultural landscape in the Czech Republic

Featured catchment: Hydrometeorological observations in an agricultural landscape in the Czech Republic

The Nučice experimental catchment (0.531 km2) is located 30 km east of Prague in an agricultural landscape in the Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic (Figs. 1 and 2). The cultivated landscape and climatic conditions are representative of farmlands of the Czech Republic. To understand water balance, rainfall-runoff and soil erosion processes on the cultivated landscape, we started hydrological ...[Read More]

Post #vEGU21 hydrological reflections

Post #vEGU21 hydrological reflections

#vEGU21 is over and it was an intense two-week period for many of us. Whether you occasionally zapped in or kept your whole last week free to join online, you certainly have heard a lot about it. Here I have collected a few reflections from the events related to the hydrological sciences division. The conference first week The first week presented several Union-wide debates and sessions. We learne ...[Read More]

Getting hydrologically ready for #vEGU21 Gather Online

Getting hydrologically ready for #vEGU21 Gather Online

Next week the vEGU General Assembly will start gathering its members online for its annual general assembly. Who would have imagined ten or five years ago that there would be two consecutive editions of EGU online? SGO Sharing Geoscience Online EGU2020 and now vEGU21 Last year, we only had six weeks to move from a traditional GA in Vienna in April to an online alternative. We learned a lot and ref ...[Read More]