Hydrological Sciences

Hydrological Sciences

2020 Recap of the HS Blog

2020 Recap of the HS Blog

It may seem strange to stop and look back on 2020. What a complicated year it was! We may however enjoy talking about good things that also happened this year. There may be many things we wish we coud have done (or done differently). We all missed our annual GA in Vienna, and learned how to chat and move on with communicating our research within the new concept of online meeting offered by the SGO ...[Read More]

Hydrological modelling and pizza making: why doesn’t mine look like the one in the picture?

Hydrological modelling and pizza making: why doesn’t mine look like the one in the picture?

Is this a question that you have asked yourself after following a recipe, for instance, to make pizza? You have used the same ingredients and followed all the steps and still the result doesn’t look like the one in the picture… Don’t worry: you are not alone! This is a common issue, and not only in cooking, but also in hydrological sciences, and in particular in hydrological modelling. Most hydrol ...[Read More]

Featured catchment: The Alento Hydrological Observatory in the middle of the Mediterranean Region

Featured catchment: The Alento Hydrological Observatory in the middle of the Mediterranean Region

Importance of investigating water fluxes in Mediterranean catchments MOSAIC (Modeling and Observing a mosaic of processes for Soil and water resources management in the Alento critical zone and Implementing adaptation strategies to climate and land use Changes) is an interdisciplinary research program that was established by the Soil Hydrology Group of University of Naples Federico II (Italy) and ...[Read More]

Running a live stream of proglacial processes

Running a live stream of proglacial processes

In Switzerland, nothing is really remote, but some places are more so than others. Dense infrastructure networks typically provide convenient access to research sites in the Alps where it is difficult to feel far away from home. However, this is not always the case… For us, our home for the summer is a bit different. We work at 2400 m above sea level in Southern Switzerland, in a narrow vall ...[Read More]