The world’s water crisis is complex, multifaceted and deeply intertwined with social processes. As such, it requires increased collaboration across multiple disciplines and the development of new paradigms for understanding and managing water resources. These scientific challenges have inspired the organizers of the 1st International Conference on SocioHydrology that took place between the 6th an ...[Read More]
100 Ideas to Communicate the Value of Hydrology

Hydrologists are a pivotal part of modern societies where the delivery of enough clean water to populations relies on their decisions to manage complex systems of resources. Flood hydrologists develop and operate computer models with the aim of meeting the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) long-term ambition that “no one is surprised by flooding”. Despite this critically important dual rol ...[Read More]
Behind every robust result is a robust method: Perspectives from a hydrological case study
Scientific studies and mathematical models are increasingly used to guide the management and development of society. But while science and modelling can indeed provide a robust basis for decision making, we must be mindful of two related considerations. First, science is based not on trust but on skepticism, meticulous technique and careful verification. Second, science is not made of absolute tru ...[Read More]
Berit Arheimer (2021 Henry Darcy Medallist) early autumn reflections from a summer cabin
The EGU 2021 Henry Darcy Medal of the EGU Division on Hydrological Sciences was awarded to Berit Arheimer, leader of the Hydrological Research unit at SMHI, and first ever female elected president of IAHS. The medal was awarded for her scientific leadership in policy-relevant large-scale modelling of water quality and quantity, promotion of open hydrology, and her excellence in managing research g ...[Read More]