Hydrological Sciences

Science, Policy & Society

Thirsty Earth: a multiplayer online game for water resources education and research

Thirsty Earth: a multiplayer online game for water resources education and research

The Rising Need for Interdisciplinary Literacy The sustainable management of water resources requires cooperative institutions whose development are rarely included in already overloaded engineering and earth sciences curricula. The resilience of such institutions in the context of climatic and demographic change is also poorly understood. Enter “Thirsty Earth,” an online open-access m ...[Read More]

EGU is more than just a conference! – An Update from the Heart of the European Geosciences Union

EGU is more than just a conference! – An Update from the Heart of the European Geosciences Union

Behind the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is a dedicated team ensuring smooth operations for our 20,000+ members. The entire EGU Council recently convened in person, fostering essential dialogue among council members, including the 22 Division Representatives and us, the Early Career Scientist (ECS) Division Reps. Read on to delve into the latest developments and initiatives driving our union fo ...[Read More]

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology has become a major task for hydrologists. But what are the main advantages and challenges reflecting to break the academic silos?  What is interdisciplinary water research? Interdisciplinary research activities within human-water research have increased in recent years, not only in terms of research proposals and requests from funding agencies (such as t ...[Read More]

Water justice in hydrological research

Water justice in hydrological research

Water justice has become a crucial discussion in the past decades. Some of the core aspects reflect the questions about who gets involved in the decision-making process, who has access to drinking water, or who gains from flood alleviation schemes. Many hydrologists are struggling to find an answer to these major challenges.  The rise of water justice In recent decades, the question of justice in ...[Read More]