Hydrological Sciences

Call For Contributors: Dive Into Science Communication, Share Your Story

image calling for contributors to the EGU's HS blog

After some holidays, the blog of the EGU’s Hydrological Science (HS) division is back – and looking for contributors to share their unique experiences, personal views, and inspiring research stories. 

What Stories Are We Looking For? 

We invite all hydrologists from any professional background, including graduate students and early career scientists, to submit contributions. 

You can present the big picture of your research, as well as opinions on hydrological sciences and its interface with policy, users, stakeholders, operational services, education and society. 

Do you want to reflect on your experience of going to your first big conference as an early career scientist? Share your insights about writing review papers? Or discuss the value of agile models for complex systems in the environmental sciences? 

We want to hear from you! 

What’s In It For You? 

This blog is an excellent platform to share your work, your views, and your ideas with a broad scientific audience within the EGU and beyond. 

As a guest author, you get an article byline with a short bio and a headshot – and an opportunity to raise your profile through science communication. 

Your post won’t just reach our blog readers. It will also be shared on social media. 

How Can You Contribute? 

Do you think you have a story to tell or views to share? Then reach out to our editorial team with your idea, and they’ll guide you through the process. 

Our blog posts are typically short, engaging, and to the point. The maximum accepted length of contributions is 800 words. 

Posts are written in a semi-formal style. You’re talking to fellow scientists, not journal readers or laypersons – so while your writing can be a bit more technical than a newspaper article, avoid discipline-specific jargon. 

Posts can be submitted either as a Google Doc or a Microsoft Word file for the web. 

We also encourage you to submit 1-2 figures or images to illustrate your article (700 x 400 pixel resolution). These images should highlight the general idea of the post. One of them will be used as a featured image and to share your content on social media. Make sure that you have the necessary copyright permission to use them for publication. 

Once you’ve submitted your post, our editors will go through it and check back in with you about any changes that may need to be made. 

New posts are published on Wednesdays at 10 am CET. 

Conclusion: Take the Leap! 

Communication is a core part of life as a scientist. Writing a post for the blog of the EGU’s Hydrological Sciences division is a fantastic way for you to flex your writing muscles and neurons and share your views with a wide audience.

Do you already have an idea? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Our editors are here to answer any questions you might have and make sure that your thoughts reach our readers. 

Christina is a hydrologist at the University of Montpellier in the South of France. She specialises in integrating remote sensing data into regional and local hydrological models. She's also the incoming 2023 Early career scientist (ECS) representative of the EGU's Hydrological Sciences division.


  1. Hi, I want to be involved in HS group of EGU.

  2. What educational methods do you find most effective in teaching hydrology?


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