Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

Global Warming

Can Artificial Intelligence replace scientists to explain Climate Change? Find it out in our first interview to… ChatGPT!

Can Artificial Intelligence replace scientists to explain Climate Change?  Find it out in our first interview to…  ChatGPT!

Figure: DallE (the visual cousin of ChatGPT) has produced this image when I asked for “a cartoon showing a climatologist with research articles walking on a weather map”   As a communication officer of the division of Nonlinear Processes I started to write posts for the EGU blog a few years ago and I found it a very difficult task: one has to find the right scientific sources about arguments ...[Read More]

NP Interview: Federico Grazzini on Climate Change casts shadows on the present and the future of the Mediterranean Basin

NP Interview: Federico Grazzini on Climate Change casts shadows on the present and the future of the Mediterranean Basin

Weather extreme events in the year 2022 are really hitting the  Mediterranean basin very hard. Since the beginning of the year we are observing a widespread drought, heatwaves but also severe thunderstorms. Few days before the COP meeting in Sharm-el-sheik we discussed one of the experts of Mediterranean climate, Federico Grazzini, to unveil whether these events can be linked to climate change. Fe ...[Read More]

What the 2022 summer thunderstorms in the Mediterranean tell us about the ongoing climate change?

What the 2022 summer thunderstorms in the Mediterranean tell us about the ongoing climate change?

The 2022 European summer was governed by the presence of a persistent cold drop (low pressure area) located between Portugal and France. The change in its position has determined the alternation between hot conditions (low pressure center over Portugal) and stormy conditions (cold drop over France). The warming of the Mediterranean Sea (up to +6°C compared to the period 1990-2020) has largely cont ...[Read More]

NP Interviews: Davide Faranda (CNRS) on the topic “global warming and extreme events in Europe”

NP Interviews: Davide Faranda (CNRS) on the topic “global warming and extreme events in Europe”

Davide Faranda is a physicist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). His main interests are devoted to the construction of a statistical mechanical and dynamical systems framework for the study of atmospheric motions. In particular, his works aim at the characterization of the metastable states of the atmospheric circulation with simple mathematical and statistical tools, an ...[Read More]