Hydrological Sciences


Heads Up: Early Career Hydrologists Highlights at EGU 2024

Heads Up: Early Career Hydrologists Highlights at EGU 2024

The upcoming annual EGU General assembly in Vienna is a fantastic opportunity for early career scientists (ECS) to engage with the international hydrological community, present their work, and build their networks.  But with the multitude of sessions, events, and lectures, it can be tricky to assemble your personal program – especially if it’s your first time attending EGU. We’ve got your ba ...[Read More]

Empowering ECS Voices in Wetland Conservation: Insights from COP28

Empowering ECS Voices in Wetland Conservation: Insights from COP28

In the arena of environmental conservation, the power of youth engagement is gaining increasing recognition as a force propelling positive change. This recognition is particularly evident in the endeavours aimed towards safeguarding our wetlands – crucial ecosystems brimming with biodiversity and providing indispensable services to both humanity and the natural world. At the 28th Conference of the ...[Read More]

Meet the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Early Career Scientist (ECS) Team

Meet the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Early Career Scientist (ECS) Team

Who Are We? At the forefront of hydrology’s fascinating world, there is a dynamic group of young scientists passionate about understanding the complexities of water in all its forms: The HS Early Career Scientists (ECS) from the European Geosciences Union (EGU).  The HS ECS team is a heterogeneous, multidisicplinary and devoted group of passionate individuals from diverse geographical locations wo ...[Read More]

How to organize an EGU24 Session as a newcomer? A guide for early career scientists.

How to organize an EGU24 Session as a newcomer? A guide for early career scientists.

Have you ever thought about organizing an EGU session instead of just attending them? Until September 14th you have the chance to do just that!  It can sound a bit intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before. But don’t worry – here’s everything you have to know.   Find a Topic and Co-Conveners First off, you need to settle on a topic and find your co-conveners, i.e. the team who ...[Read More]