Hydrological Sciences

Hydrological Sciences

YHS interview Martyn P. Clark: “rainfall-runoff modelling, per se, is dead”

In its “Hallway Conversations” series, the Young Hydrologic Society has recently published an interview with Martyn P. Clark, who is currently professor and the Associate Director of Centre for Hydrology and Canmore Coldwater Lab, at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. The interview was conducted by Sina Khatami, a PhD student at the University of Melbourne. With their agreement, we reproduce ...[Read More]

All models are wrong but…

All models are wrong but…

“All models are wrong but some are useful” is a quote you probably have heard if you work in the field of computational hydrology – or ‘hydroinformatics’ – the science (or craft?) of building computer models of hydrological systems. The idea is that, even if these models cannot (by definition!) be a 1:1 representation of reality, their erroneous predictions can still be useful to support decision- ...[Read More]

Gender balance in the HS division- some personal thoughts

Gender balance in the HS division- some personal thoughts

Gender balance in the HS division- some personal thoughts On 14 June 2019, there was the Swiss nationwide women strike day, with the main topic of equal pay for equal work (see e.g. here). A good opportunity to share some thoughts about gender balance in the HS division. If you have a look on the HS division composition today, you will see that we have a female president and a female deputy presid ...[Read More]

Talking hydrology: an interview with Hjalmar Laudon on hydrological research at the Krycklan catchment

Talking hydrology: an interview with Hjalmar Laudon on hydrological research at the Krycklan catchment

For our second post of “Talking hydrology”, we interviewed Hjalmar Laudon, professor and chair of forest landscape biogeochemistry at SLU Umeå (Sweden). We talked about past and current research in the Krycklan catchment and the usefulness of long-term datasets.   1) You have been conducting hydrological research at the Krycklan catchment (North of Sweden) since 2002. How did you keep yoursel ...[Read More]