Hydrological Sciences

Tarryn Payne

Tarryn is the Communications Officer at the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) in the United Kingdom. She is the lead in the development, design, and content of the IAHS website. She is also the lead on specific communications outputs such as social media, blogs, and newsletters for both the IAHS and the Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ).

The IAHS Digital Water Globe – Increase the Visibility of Your Research in Hydrological Sciences  

The IAHS Digital Water Globe – Increase the Visibility of Your Research in Hydrological Sciences  

Are you looking for ways to boost the visibility of your hydrology research? Are you looking for potential collaborators for new research in a specific topic?  Doing research and getting it published are two of the challenges every hydrologist faces. However, once one’s research has passed peer review and is out in the world, there is one more hurdle to clear: ensuring people see it, read it, and ...[Read More]