Hydrological Sciences

Giulio Castelli

Giulio Castelli is a Research Fellow in Agricultural Hydraulics and Watershed Protection at the University of Florence Water Harvesting Lab, and Associate Researcher at the University of Geneva. His main research topics are water harvesting and participatory approaches to water management. X: https://x.com/GiulioCst @WHLab_Unifi @DagriUnifi @UNI_FIRENZE @unige_en

Catch the rain when it falls: a journey through water harvesting in the Anthropocene

Catch the rain when it falls: a journey through water harvesting in the Anthropocene

As an environmental engineer trained in water resources management, I have always been fascinated by the multiple uses of water, and specifically the use of water for food production. I always assumed that “the largest share of freshwater resources was used for food production”, thus I logically pursued my MSc. thesis and then my Ph.D. in agricultural sciences. How Fieldwork Shifted My Perspective ...[Read More]