With the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna (April 14-19) approaching fast, it’s time to assemble the new team to represent Early Career Scientists (ECS) of the Hydrological Sciences Division!
We’re looking for a new ECS representative, as well as team members to coordinate social media, our newsletter, online campfires, and to join our fantastic blog team led by Bettina Schaefli.
Interested? Keep reading to find out more!
What is the HS Division?
The Hydrological Sciences (HS) division covers all aspects of the terrestrial hydrological cycle (including precipitation, surface water, soil water, groundwater), from the pore scale to the global scale, and its interactions with the atmosphere and the climate.
The division also covers the interactions between the hydrosphere and the biosphere, hydrology and geomorphology, and hydrology and soils. Hydrological processes, forecasting, hydroinformatics, hydrologic monitoring and remote sensing, management and operation of water resources are also within the topics covered by the HS division.
The division is represented in the European Geosciences Union (EGU) by its president and vice-president, officers and committee chairs, and Early Career Scientist representative (ECS rep). Since HS is one of the biggest divisions in EGU, the ECS rep is supported by a team, with each member specialising in different tasks.
What does the ECS team do?
The role of the HS ECS rep team is to represent the EGU community of early career researchers, undergraduate or master students studying, working or developing research on hydrological sciences.
It involves working closely with the HS division president and the global community of the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS). Activities involve organising scientific sessions, short courses and networking events for ECS attendees at the annual EGU General Assembly (GA) in Vienna and online, improving awareness of the EGU HS division organisation and activities among the wider ECS hydrologic community, and helping create an open and active community of researchers and practitioners in hydrology around Europe and across the globe.

Hydrologist meet-up organized by the ECS team during the general assembly 2023 in Vienna.
The newly appointed HS ECS rep will represent the ECS hydrology community at EGU ECS meetings (with ECS reps from all the 22 EGU divisions) throughout the year (in-person meetings once or twice a year and online meetings every 1-2 months lasting 1/1.5 hours each).
The HS ECS rep is expected to hold the position for a 2-year term, beginning and ending officially at the HS division meeting held each year at the GA in Vienna. The HS division has found it beneficial for the incoming ECS rep to shadow the outgoing rep throughout the GA in the year of changeover, with the final hand-over at the close of the GA. This means both incoming and outgoing reps attend all relevant ECS meetings and events during the week – this has proven effective for a smooth transition.
Other members of the ECS team specialise in different tasks, including contributing to the outreach activities of the HS division, including the EGU HS Twitter and Instagram accounts (@EGU_HS) and the HS Blog, coordinating online Campfire events, and managing the division newsletter.

The current ECS team of the Hydrological Sciences division
How does the team selection work?
The main ECS rep of the HS division is elected. To participate, interested candidates need to send a 200 word ‘vision statement’ for the role along with a 2-page CV to the current HS ECS reps, K. M. Florentine Weber and Christina A. Orieschnig (ecs-hs@egu.eu), and to the HS division president and vice-president, Alberto Viglione and Maria-Helena Ramos (hs@egu.eu), by Sunday 17 March 2024.
A shortlist of 2-3 candidates will be prepared in consultation with the YHS community and the HS ECS reps and division president and vic-epresident will meet to select the successful candidate. In April, an acceptance email is sent to confirm their availability and willingness to accept the new position. The term of the newly elected rep will cover the period 2024-26 and is expected to shadow the current ECS reps during EGU24.
To join the ECS team in other roles, you can reach out to the current reps (ecs-hs@egu.eu) with a short message specifying where your interests lie and what your experience is. Joining the team like this is a fantastic way of getting to know the ropes of the division, meeting the leadership team, and gaining exposure for future elections.
Before officially taking on the role, the new ECS team will be introduced at the HS division meeting during the EGU GA, which will be held in Vienna and Online, from 14-19 April 2024
Got any questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us: ecs-hs@egu.eu!