Hydrological Sciences

Events at the General Assembly

Very soon, many of us will gather in Vienna for the EGU General Assembly. In addition to the many regular scientific sessions, there are a number of other events that may also be very relevant for you. Here are some of our suggestions (but don’t forget to check out the full program at www.egu2019.eu).

Start your conference early and meet your peers in an informal setting by joining the Opening Reception (Sun, 07 Apr, 18:30–21:00 Foyer F)

Get insight and ask questions about the past and future developments of EGU by joining the EGU Plenary (Mon, 08 Apr, 12:45–13:45 Room E1)

Get insight and ask questions about the past and future developments of Hydrology Division of EGU by joining the Division meeting for Hydrological Sciences (Tue, 09 Apr, 12:45–13:45 Room B)

Have the opportunity to work on poems that help to communicate their research at Rhyme Your Research (Tue, 09 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.16)

Hear from our John Dalton Medalist (Günter Blöschl) about his pioneering work in hydrological predictions, including advances in flood estimations, by linking patterns and processes across scales (Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:00 Room B)

Get tips on the paper writing process from a panel of experts in the shortcourse “How to write (and publish) a scientific paper in Hydrology” (Wed, 10:45–12:30 Room -2.16)

Hear from Serena Ceola, HS Division Outstanding ECS, about new perspectives from global high-resolution monitoring on human-impacted rivers (Wed, 10 Apr, 14:00–14:30, Room B).

Come to meet and have a chat with the outgoing and incoming presidents & the outgoing and incoming division ECS Representatives of the Hydrological Sciences Division (Thu, 11 April 2019, 17:00–17:45 at the EGU booth, Brown level).

Hear from our Henry Darcy Medalist (Petra Döll) about her groundbreaking work in global freshwater system modelling, increasing awareness of threats to freshwater resources in the world, and contributions to participatory water management (Thu, 11, 19:00–20:00 Room B).

Join the short course “Meet the Experts: Transit time modeling in hydrology” where you can engage in an open discussion on this important subfield of hydrology (Fri, 12 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.85)

Find more program tips for Early Career Scientists in hydrology check out the Young Hydrological Society, and for hydrological forecasting HEPEX. Finally, make the best out of the new “networking time” of 18-19h. It is a longer break between posters, orals and PICO and medal lectures, short courses and special events. Use this time to meet colleagues, visit posters you may have missed during the day, visit the exhibition and the EGU booth, or see EGU artists in residence at work in Foyer D.

Wouter Berghuijs is a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (Switzerland). His work covers a broad range of topics within hydrology, mostly focusing on hydrological extremes. Previously, Wouter served as the Early Career Scientist Representative of the HS Division, and as the Early Career Scientist Representative of the entire EGU.

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