From now, up until 10 January 2019, you can submit your abstract for the upcoming EGU General Assembly (EGU 2019).
In addition to established scientists, PhD students and other early career researchers are welcome to submit abstracts to present their research at the conference. Further, the EGU encourages undergraduate and master students to submit abstracts on their dissertations or final-year projects.
The EGU recognises that there are many outstanding students who would benefit from attending and presenting at the General Assembly and, therefore, provides a discounted registration rate to this group. Interested undergraduates can apply to present a poster, talk or PICO presentation on research undertaken in a laboratory setting, on a mapping or field project they’ve been involved in during their degrees, or any other research project of relevance.
Browse through the EGU 2019 sessions. Clicking on ‘Please select’ will allow you to search for sessions by programme groups and submit your abstract to the relevant session either as plain text, LaTeX, or a MS Word document. Further guidelines on how to submit an abstract are available on the EGU 2019 website.
An innovative presentation format – Presenting Interactive Content, better known as PICO – has been implemented at the General Assembly since 2013. PICO sessions bring together the advantages of both oral and poster sessions, allowing authors to present the essence of their work and follow it up with interactive discussion. Please note that some sessions are ‘PICO only’ sessions, meaning you cannot select oral/poster preference. If you are submitting to a PICO only session be sure to check out our PICO guide, for tips on how to prepare your presentation.
The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is 10 January 2019, 13:00 CET. If you would like to apply for financial support, called the Roland Schlich travel support, to attend the 2019 General Assembly, please submit an application no later than 1 December 2018. We’ll be providing further information about how to apply for travel grants and how they are awarded in a forthcoming post.
EGU 2019 will take place from 7 to 12 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria. For more information on the General Assembly, see the EGU 2019 website and follow us on Twitter (#EGU19 is the official conference hashtag) and Facebook.
NB: We strongly recommend booking accommodation for the 2019 General Assembly as soon as possible. The Vienna City Marathon (40,000 participants) will take place on Sunday, resulting in many hotels being fully booked the night before.