
GeoTalk: Meet Viktor Bruckman, interdisciplinary researcher, EGU Division President, and EGU Biodiversity Task Force

GeoTalk: Meet Viktor Bruckman, interdisciplinary researcher, EGU Division President, and EGU Biodiversity Task Force

Viktor, welcome to GeoTalk! Can you tell us a bit about your current research focus?

My current research is on the defossilization of our energy system with a strong focus on the roles of forests and soils in this context. I was originally trained in forestry and my research is still tightly connected with this topic, but it has widened to also include aspects of carbon sequestration, sustainable biomass, pyrogenic carbon, and more generally how all this can be embedded into a resilient terrestrial ecosystem. This includes land use, biodiversity, and climate change.

It sounds like your research is also very interdisciplinary! Has your research always taken this approach or is it something that has developed throughout your career?  

While not intentional, I would say that this indeed started quite early in my career, perhaps due to the subject of my professional training. Forest management is a holistic task and consequently, decisions on-site must draw on multiple disciplines including: biology, ecology, geology, climatology, and economics. Aims are often even contradicting, in particular, if economic and ecological factors have to be weighted up against each other. The basis for all this is a profound view on how the forest system functions and the consequences that particular management strategies have. The dimension of time adds another crucial factor, as these consequences often materialise decades later. Thus, we need foresight to get things right. It’s not surprising that the term “Sustainability” was actually “invented” in classical forestry, where it initially meant that one could not harvest more than what is growing back. Of course, this can only be achieved with a holistic and therefore interdisciplinary approach.

I think all of this set a solid foundation for an interdisciplinary mindset. Later in my career, I had the chance to work as a researcher at the (meanwhile discontinued) Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences – where the term “interdisciplinary” is even included in the title.

Interdisciplinary research was (and often still is) difficult to publish as it often pushes the boundaries of our traditional academic knowledge system. To provide you with a concrete example, we once tried to publish an interdisciplinary manuscript around biomass production and sustaining soils. It was not accepted by the targeted publication platforms, as it was not focused enough (and therefore difficult to review). We did not want to have it published in separate journals, which was the suggested way forward. Finally, we established a new book series at the Academy Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

Photo Bruckman Viktor. (c)Viktor

While there are still some challenges, I am certain that the situation has changed significantly. Inter- and transdisciplinarity is increasingly requested by research funding organisations, with a solid justification and explanation. This has led to greater of awareness and better understanding of how inter- and transdisciplinary approaches can make one’s research more meaningful and impactful.  To address today’s complex challenges—such as climate change, sustainable energy supply, and raw material shortages, environmental protection, and biodiversity conservation, collaboration among different disciplines and non-academic stakeholders is absolutely necessary. And this is where inter- and transdisciplinary research can make a huge difference.

My position as chair of the Inter- and Transdisciplinary program for the EGU fills me with joy and I am excited about the range of innovative approaches submitted to be included in the program of the general assembly each year. It was often highlighted that the geosciences should aim at including social sciences wherever possible and meaningful. I can confirm that this is happening in the ITS program, and I am grateful for this progress.

You’ve also been the EGU Energy, Resources & Environment Division President since 2020. Can you tell us a bit about what inspired you to take on this role and what you’ve learnt during your time as Division President?

I have been a Scientific Officer of the EGU’s Energy, Resources & Environment Division since 2010 after already including EGU General Assembly sessions on biomass/bioenergy. Since then, I’ve seen the Division’s team evolve, its direction shift slightly, and its steady, sustainable growth, which is indeed one of the most interdisciplinary divisions within EGU.

More than a decade of involvement in the Division was undoubtedly an ideal preparation to step in for the role of Division President – for which I was elected in 2020. At the time, I knew nothing of the upcoming challenges that we would all have to face due to the pandemic. The start was not as I had it imagined – meetings were all virtual, the concept of EGU General Assemblies was turned upside down. Since then, it feels as though the EGU Programme Committee have almost had to re-invent the General Assembly format each year until 2024 -when it felt like we were established in our “new” normal hybrid conditions. It was certainly a steep learning curve, but manageable with the extensive experience I had within EGU.

EGU ERE Division Team.(c)Viktor

Within the Energy, Resources & Environment Division, we see a sharp increase in energy- and resource related research funding. This is a direct consequence of several different factors, including Europe’s recent turbulence within its energy markets and the ongoing energy transition. This increase in funding is also likely partially responsible for the increase in submitted abstracts and sessions that we’ve seen in the Division during the General Assemblies in recent years. The Energy, Resources & Environment Division was the only division that continued to grow during the pandemic and received a record-breaking increase of contributions at the 2024 General Assembly (more than 60% compared to 2023).

During the GA 2025, I will step down as President of this division after the completion of two terms. My successor, Giorgia Stasi will become the next Energy, Resources & Environment Division President. What we are about to observe is that an early career scientist steps up to become an EGU division president for the first time in the Union’s history. I am indeed proud and thankful that we achieved this and spread a motivating signal to the entire EGU community (which is largely made up of early career scientists). I am really looking forward to the next years where we will undoubtedly see a growing division that is managed by an extremely motivated team.

What motivated you to join the EGU’s Biodiversity Task Force?

I have always been interested in the question on how land management affects our environment – at first from a biomass production perspective. My various duties at the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies taught me how important biodiversity is to maintain ecological services that are essential for us. One of the Commission’s tasks is to document and monitor biodiversity in Austria. It has been doing this since 1946 and the work is still not complete – and probably will never be. Learning that EGU decided upon its policy priority area towards biodiversity increased my attention. And as soon as the call for Biodiversity Task Force members was published, I knew I want to be part of this team and filed my application.

The core motivation is that I am aware of the drastic loss of biodiversity on a global level. In fact, we are facing a mass extinction and already experience negative consequences which are expected to become worse in the near future. Still, we can react. The geosciences have a great potential to interfere with the state of biodiversity – both in positive and negative terms. My mission is to create awareness and to make an impact towards biodiversity protection and -conservation. The Austrian Academy of Sciences established a Biodiversity Commission earlier this year, where I am involved as well, so this is where all the former mentioned aspects – including inter-and transdisciplinary approaches – nicely line up.

What aspect of your involvement in the Biodiversity Task Force do you find most enjoyable, rewarding or surprising?

First of all, I have to admit that I didn’t expect to meet such a heterogeneous group that is able to align their interests and aims within such a short period, facilitated by an outstanding leadership by EGU’s Policy Manager. This resulted in a surprisingly fast pace, with little time lost in discussion and more spent on action.

I am still most impressed that this group managed to be recognised by the European Parliament by including some of our suggestions in amendments to the draft of the Nature Restoration Law. This was an amazing experience, and certainly demonstrated that scientists can indeed transform science into action. It was almost unbelievable to learn that our suggestions were considered and that we helped in small part to shape a legislation that is now being implemented. All members of the Task Force and EGU Council can be proud of it – I see this as a prime example of transdisciplinary research.

What would you like people to know about the EGU community?

EGU is a unique place in many ways. So many friendships were made over the years, and it still feels like a family, despite its massive growth. I am proud to be part of it for more than a decade now. From this perspective, I can see how bottom-up the EGU structure is which I think is very encouraging, especially for young scientists. The Union has shown an enormous potential of flexibility and resilience during the pandemic and is therefore prepared for whatever challenges may come. I can only encourage all colleagues to take up an active role and help shape the geosciences – and thus the basis for our existence. It will be a rewarding experience for sure.

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Chloe Hill is the EGU Policy Manager. In this role, she provides scientists with information and resources that enable them to actively engage in the European policy process. She coordinates several activities that provide policymakers with scientific information and connects them with researchers around Europe. Chloe previously worked for the African EU Energy Partnership, and as a research assistant for the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability, the Institute of Climate and Sustainable Cities, and Forestry Tasmania. Chloe tweets at @Chl0e_Hill

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