The American Mathematical Society’s Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) continues to be a beacon for early-career mathematicians seeking professional development. This esteemed program offers opportunities to hone collaborative research skills, cultivate networks within active research domains, and benefit from mentorship by leaders in the field. As part of the MRC initiative, the upcoming conf ...[Read More]
Back in Green: The Return of Pineapple Express to California

If you Google Pineapple Express you’re likely to end-up with a stoner movie comedy, but for those who live on the West Coast of North America, it has an entirely different meaning. Pineapple Express is a weather phenomenon that refers to a strong atmospheric river that brings heavy rain and moisture to the region. Despite the shared name, the two Pineapple Expresses couldn’t be more di ...[Read More]
NP Interviews: the AGU 2019 Turcotte awardee Vera Melinda Galfi
Before pursuing a scientific career, Melinda studied economics and worked in the field for several years. Her scientific career took place until now in Hamburg, Germany, where she completed both her undergraduate and graduate studies in meteorology. Melinda finished her PhD in 2018 under the supervision of Valerio Lucarini, studying extreme events in chaotic atmospheric models. She received the 20 ...[Read More]