The Alexander von Humboldt Conference is part of the EGU’s Topical Conference Series, and will be taking place in Istanbul, Turkey (24 – 28 March 2014). The aim of the meeting is to open a forum on natural hazard events that have a high impact and a large destructive potential, focussing on the Euro-Mediterranean Region in particular.
The theme for the conference can be broken down into nine broad areas:
- Physical and Probabilistic Approaches to Earthquakes
- Physics and Characterisation of Tsunamis
- Monitoring and Risk of Volcanic Hazards
- Hydro-Meteorological Hazards
- Other High Impact Mediterranean Hazards (e.g., asteroid impacts, wildfires, terrigenous and submarine landslides, flooding, storm surges)
- Complexity Analysis Approaches to Natural Hazards
- Loss Models and Risk Assessment for Natural Catastrophes
- What constitutes a prediction, what does not? Good Practice when Proposing Predictions of Natural Hazards
- Communications and Education of Natural Hazard Knowledge in the Mediterranean Region to Policy Makers, Students and the Public
In addition to the broad scientific topics, the conference will address risk assessment, communicating with the public and policymakers, and what is appropriate good practice when proposing natural hazard “predictions”.
You can submit your abstract to any one of the topics listed above until 31 January 2014. You can register for the conference here.

Looking out over the Bosphorus from the conference location – great science and a great view! (Credit: Ali Ozgun Konca)
To find out more about the 9th Alexander von Humboldt Conference: High Impact Natural Hazards Related to the Euro-Mediterranean Region, please see the conference website.
Update (07/01/13): Abstract submission and registration deadline extended to 31 January 2014.