Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

Marco Anzidei

Marco Anzidei has a degree in Geological Sciences and a PhD in Physics of Complex Systems. He is Senior INGV researcher of the National Earthquake Observatory Section. He deals with geodesy applied to the study of the deformations of the Earth's crust in seismic and volcanic areas and sea level changes in the Mediterranean through multidisciplinary methods. He has been coordinator of the projects SAVEMEDCOASTS and SAVEMEDCOASTS-2, Sea Level Rise Scenarios Along the Mediterranean Coasts, funded by the European Union under the umbrella of the civil protection (DG-ECHO). He has taught in Italian and foreign universities, he is author of about 170 publications and scientific documentaries on the Mediterranean.

Sea level rise: a global threat in a warming planet

Sea level rise: a global threat in a warming planet

Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans but in the geological past the extension of sea and land has varied several times as sea level changed over time. During the past millions of years, the oceans have cyclically retreated and expanded with the alternating of warmer and colder climatic periods in consequence of the astronomical motions of the Earth, repeatedly changi ...[Read More]