Tectonics and Structural Geology

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Features from the field: Volcanic rocks and landscapes

Features from the field: Volcanic rocks and landscapes

This edition of ‘Features from the field’ is brought to you by Sandra McLaren, a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne. She will be talking about the volcanic activity and rocks in the Tower hill complex in Australia.   Volcanic activity is one of the most spectacular manifestations of our tectonically active planet. Volcanic eruptions can be highly dangerous when they oc ...[Read More]

Run-up to #shareEGU20 and ECS TS team news

Run-up to #shareEGU20 and ECS TS team news

The EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) Early Career Scientist (ECS) team usually write a blog post soon before the yearly EGU General Assembly. This blog post normally helps to highlight a few of the activities that will happen in the General Assembly. As the ECS TS Representative, and in this exceptional year in which the meeting will be virtual, I take this opportunity to provide (i) gene ...[Read More]

Features from the field: crenulation cleavage

Features from the field: crenulation cleavage

In one of the former episodes of the ‘Features from the field’ series we have talked about foliations, and how they develop when rocks are pushed together by the movement of tectonic plates. It is quite uncommon, however, that tectonic forces are active in the same direction for an unlimited period of time. The rule, rather than the exception, is that the orientation of tectonic forces ...[Read More]

#ShareEGU20: An online EGU General assembly?

#ShareEGU20: An online EGU General assembly?

In mid-March it was decided that the EGU conference in Vienna was to be cancelled, with an alternative proposed, the online GA. Being the first EGU general assembly to be held online, many people are doubtful about many aspects, such as how the conference will be organised and conducted. EGU has been providing answers to questions on their page and on Geolog, and we thought we would provide some h ...[Read More]

#ShareEGU20: How to turn your research into an attractive display

#ShareEGU20: How to turn your research into an attractive display

In response to the growing concerns over the spread of the coronavirus and travel restrictions, in-person attendance for the EGU General Assembly 2020 in Vienna has been cancelled. The conference is instead being transformed into a virtual event, where attendees can remotely share their research by uploading presentation material online.  Let’s be honest: digital alternatives don’t replicate the i ...[Read More]

Beyond Tectonics: Building fictional worlds to better understand our own

Beyond Tectonics: Building fictional worlds to better understand our own

In this edition of “Beyond Tectonics” Ben Blackledge and Hannah Davies talk about worldbuilding and how it can be applied to the discipline of tectonics and tides. Ben Blackledge recently completed his MSc in Bangor and will soon be beginning a PhD in Bristol University.   Let’s begin with a question. Are the tides always the same on every planet? Because of the force of gravity, ...[Read More]

Neutrons and X-rays: 3D and 4D imaging in geoscience

Neutrons and X-rays: 3D and 4D imaging in geoscience

Anne Pluymakers is an assistant professor at TU Delft, whose hobbies include experimental rock mechanics and fluid-rock interaction. She focuses on the effects of fluids on mechanical behaviour of rocks at representative in-situ temperature and pressure conditions, with a strong focus on hydrochemical fluid-rock interaction. Investigating the microstructure of the rock and how it is altered is cri ...[Read More]

Mind your head: Taking care of yourself during the Corona-virus crisis

Mind your head: Taking care of yourself during the Corona-virus crisis

By now more and more countries in Europe are hit by the Corona-virus, leading to increasingly strict measures and closures of many public places. We are being asked or obliged to work from home, to limit social contact by staying away from bars, restaurants, sports clubs, museums, theatres and all other places where gatherings of people take place. Simultaneously, we continue to receive worrying m ...[Read More]

Zürich: surrounded by a geologist’s playground

Zürich: surrounded by a geologist’s playground

Zürich, with its lake stretching towards the foot of the Swiss Alps in the South, is currently a charming city full of watersides, lively bars, students and bankers. In Switzerland, you’ll find a wide variety of landscapes and geological features over a relatively small area – from the Alpine mountain range in the South to the low-lying plateau and the Jura Mountains in the North. Located in close ...[Read More]

How to reduce your carbon footprint when attending EGU’s General Assembly

How to reduce your carbon footprint when attending EGU’s General Assembly

In October 2019, an open letter was published, addressing both EGU and AGU regarding their policy to reduce the carbon footprint of their annual conferences. Almost 2000 scientists already signed this letter, asking for more ambitious measures to decline carbon emissions, in line with the goals of 50% reduction by 2030 and near-zero emissions by 2050 (IPCC SR15, 2018). Some of the proposed improve ...[Read More]