Do you enjoy the EGU’s annual General Assembly but wish you could play a more active role in shaping the scientific programme? Now is your chance! But hurry, the session submission deadline is fast approaching. You’ve got until September 8th to propose changes.
As well as the standard scientific sessions, subdivided by Programme Groups, EGU coordinates Interdisciplinary Events (IE) at the conference. Their aim is to foster and facilitate exchange of knowledge across scientific divisions. IE typically tackle a common theme through an interdisciplinary combination of approaches.
The Earth, oceans and even space are interconnected in many different ways; rarely can one system be perturbed without others being affected too.
If interdisciplinarity is important to you and your work, know that you too can co-organise your session as an Interdisciplinary Event. Read on to discover how!
The skeleton programme for the 2018 General Assembly currently features four IE themes:
- IE1: Life in the Earth system
- IE2: From palaeo-timescales to future projections
- IE3: New imaging technologies in the Geosciences
- IE4: Big data
Sessions within each of these IE themes will be scheduled closely together, to foster cross-division links and collaborations.
To propose a session in one of the planned Interdisciplinary themes, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the IE pages on the EGU 2018 website
- Suggest a new session (within one of the four IE themes)
- Choose a Programme Group that will be the scientific leader. For example, if you choose BG, your session will be listed in the programme as IE/BG
- Suggest more Programme Groups for co-organisation in the comment box
Wondering whether your session would fit as an IE? Just ask IE Programme Group officers, Peter van der Beek (gm@egu.eu) or Susanne Buiter (programme.committee@egu.eu).
Peter and Susanne, are looking forward to a strong interdisciplinary programme at the 2018 General Assembly. But they need your help to achieve this!
You can also find more information about the call for sessions (and the organisation of the scientific programme in general) on the EGU 2018 website.
The EGU’s 2018 General Assembly, takes place in Vienna from 8 to 13 April, 2018. For more news about the upcoming General Assembly, you can also follow the offical hashtag, #EGU18, on our social media channels.