EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"

Cryospheric Sciences

The art of surviving a week of conferencing

The art of surviving a week of conferencing

Hello everyone! My name is Kathi Unglert and I’m a PhD student in volcanology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. I will be reporting for the Cryospheric Sciences blog during the upcoming EGU General Assembly as part of the “Student Reporter Programme”. With the meeting only a few days away, I thought I’d put together a quick guide how to make the most out of a whole week of confer ...[Read More]


GeoCinema at the 2016 General Assembly

GeoCinema at the 2016 General Assembly

GeoCinema is the home of geoscience films at the EGU General Assembly. This year features 50 fantastic films from across the geosciences, so you can step into some soil science, dive into deep ocean investigations, catch a glimpse of climate change research and more! GeoCinema runs almost continuously throughout the conference, with short films, documentaries and feature length productions playing ...[Read More]


EGU 2016 short course SC55: Seismology for non-seismologists

Do you have difficulty in understanding results inferred from seismological studies? A dedicated short course directed to non-seismologists or early career seismologists, with a particular focus for young scientists (graduate students and postdocs), is being held during this year’s EGU2016 general assembly in Vienna. The main goal of this short course is to provide an introduction into some ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Friction in volcanic environments by Jackie Kendrick

GeoTalk: Friction in volcanic environments by Jackie Kendrick

Geotalk is a regular feature highlighting early career researchers and their work. In this interview we speak to Jackie Kendrick, a volcanologist at the University of Liverpool, and winner of the 2016 GMPV Outstanding Young Scientist Award. The occasion will be marked during the upcoming General Assembly, where you’ll be able to listen to Jackie speak in session GMPV 1.1 on the topic of friction i ...[Read More]


Science communication opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: be a student reporter

Science communication opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: be a student reporter

For the first time at the 2016 General Assembly, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 17–22 April, we will be implementing a Student Reporter Programme. A team of volunteer early career researchers will report, via the Union’s social media outlets and blogs, on the findings presented at scientific sessions and press conferences during the General Assembly. What is involved in being a stu ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

Over the next few days (27-29th January) we’ll be attending the UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015-2030. Agreed in March 2015, this framework aims to substantially ‘reduce disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental asset ...[Read More]


Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: press assistant

Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: press assistant

We have a vacancy for an early career science communicator or science journalism student in Europe to work at the press office of the 2016 General Assembly, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 17–22 April. Applications from geosciences students with science communication experience are also welcome. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from people with experience in ...[Read More]


EGU 2016: Registration open & short courses, townhall and splinter meeting requests

EGU 2016: Registration open & short courses, townhall and splinter meeting requests

The EGU General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The conference is taking place in Vienna on 17–22 April 2016, providing an opportunity for both established scientists and early career researchers to present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of the geosci ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Annapurna snow avalanche

Imaggeo on Mondays: Annapurna snow avalanche

The Annapurna massif is located in an imposing 55 km long collection of peaks in the Himalayas, which behave as a single structural block. Composed of one peak (Annapurna I Main) in excess of 8000 m, a further thirteen peaks over 7000 m and sixteen more of over 6000 m, the massif forms a striking structure within the Himalayas. Annapurna I Main, the tenth highest peak in the world, is towering at ...[Read More]


Welcome to the multi-faceted world of biogeosciences

Welcome to the multi-faceted world of biogeosciences

“From marine micro-organisms to mountain ecosystems” Welcome to the official blog of the Biogeosciences (BG) Division of the European Geoscience Union! This blog is run by biogeoscience enthusiasts with very different backgrounds, ranging from plantecophysiology over geology to geomicrobiology. Therefore we think that the variety of posts, will make this blog interesting for all intere ...[Read More]