There are so many great events to participate in at EGU22 this year, in both on-site and virtual formats, that it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed. Whilst we encourage you to make good use of your Personal Programme to help organise your activities, we also reached out to several of EGU’s Committees that are responsible for specific other aspects of EGU’s activities, including the Outreach Committee, the Publications Committee, the Early Career Scientists (ECS), Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) working group and the Science for Policy working group, to ask them for their recommendations as to what not to miss during EGU22!
As always, make sure not to overload yourself and take advantage of the Early Career Scientist’s Work-Life Balance groups suggestions on how to take time for yourself at the meeting, with 5 simple 5-minute practices.
Publications Committee
The EGU Publications Committee handles all the work of overseeing our 19 open access journals and working with our publisher Copernicus to ensure that they are running smoothly. The Committee is made up of the Executive Editors of all the Journals – which is a VERY BIG group of people, effectively managed by the Publications Committee Chair, Barbara Ervens, and supported by our office Editorial Manager, Berit Schwichtenberg. With the exception of Berit, and our publishers, all the people on the Publications Committee are volunteers.
What’s on: Publications Committee – whats on EGU22 Publications
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group
The EDI working group is another very active group of mostly volunteers who give generously of their time, experience and ideas to help EGU work towards becoming a more inclusive organisation. Started in late 2018, the group has already achieved a lot behind the scenes and publicly, including adding the new EDI logo to sessions that meet our minimum diversity guidelines, that you will see on sessions during the General Assembly. The group is currently co-chaired by Lisa Wingate and Daniel Conley, and has 14 additional members, as well as co-ordinating with representatives from our sibling societies. For more information, read their webpage here.
What’s on: EDI Working Group – whats on EGU22 EDI
Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee work in partnership with the Education Committee to promote all things geoscience communication, but where the volunteers of the Education Committee are focused on training educators and those who teach geoscience at all levels, the Outreach Committee volunteers are focused on supporting anyone who wants to learn about geoscience – any age, any experience level. The group is currently led by Martin Archer with seven additional members, and they have just announced that they are recruiting THREE new members, so why not apply by 12 June!
What’s on: Outreach Committee – whats on EGU22 Outreach
If you are wondering why we haven’t included the Education Committee in this list.. it’s because they have already held their big EGU22 event – the vGIFT workshops, or Geoscience Information For Teachers. You can watch all the recorded sessions, for free, here!
Policy at EGU and the Science for Policy Working Group
We know how much our members value being able to interact with European Policy at all levels and have a wide range of activities that happen year-round, but I can’t really talk about that better than our own Policy Manager Chloe Hill, so head over to check out her blog all about it here. Due to this high demand the EGU now has a Science for Policy Working Group and a Biodiversity Task Force comprised mostly of volunteers, so there are now more ways than ever to get involved with policy at EGU, so what are you waiting for?
What’s on: Policy – whats on EGU22 Policy