During my PhD I was working at the German Neumayer III station in Antarctica for my research on polar atmospheric chemistry. Since my instrument was set up on an observatory south of the main station, every day I would walk past a Scott pyramid tent to go and do my research. One day, in the midst of an Antarctic storm, I caught sight of the tent deep in the drifting snow, and took this picture.
The tent was first used by the original explorers of the Antarctic continent, who set it up right next to Neumayer III station and members of the team that was going on the traverse tried it out for a couple of nights. However this sturdy double-walled tent isn’t just an historic item – is still relied upon in deep field campaigns or as part of the survival kit one carries when leaving the safety perimeter around the station. Getting in can be a bit tricky – especially in a storm – but despite its simple geometry, it provides welcome shelter from the harsh elements of Antarctica.
Description by Jan-Marcus Nasse.
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