Our EGU blogging team has had a fantastic 2023 posting across our official blog, GeoLog and the division blogs. With the Near Year now officially upon us, you may know that we like to pause and reflect on our blogging efforts of the year gone by! Much like previous years, we saw yet again an impressive and insightful collection of blog posts throughout 2023.
Most of our readers appreciate EGU’s blogs for their informative yet accessible style, and for our bloggers ability to take complex geoscience content and make it fun and relevant to the reader. If this sounds like something you’d like to get involved in, we encourage you to get in touch with your Division blog editors, or email media@egu.eu.
EGU Best Blog Post of 2023 Competition
To celebrate the excellent display of science writing across the network and division blogs, we are back again with this year’s EGU blogs competition!
We’ve asked our blog editors to put forth their favourite post of the year in the running to be crowned the best of the EGU blogs. From now until 31st January 2024, we invite you, the EGU Blogs readers, to vote for your favourite post of 2023.
How to vote for your favourite blog:
Take a look at the poll below with the shortlisted posts, click on the titles to read each post in full, and cast your vote for the one you think deserves the accolade of best post of 2023. The post with the most votes by will be crowned the winner of the public vote. EGU blog editors and staff will also choose their favourites; the post with the most votes from this group will be deemed the winner of the panel vote.
The shortlists:
The Walker Circulation: what is it and why does it matter (CL)
Did you know that it ain’t easy being Greenland? (CR)
Women in the history of Geodesy (G)
The first observational evidence for a volcanically active Venus (GD)
A day in the life – Christopher Stringer (GM)
Geo-Fantasy – between Fantasy Novel and the Real World (GMPV)
Hydrological soundscapes: listening to hydrological regimes (HS)
Is culture the missing link to disaster risk reduction? (NH)
Climate Tipping Points through the “eyes” of the Masters: a virtual art exhibition (NP)
Statistical earthquake forecasting – is that possible? (SM)
Remembering Janos Urai – A master of all scales (TS)
If the embedded poll isn’t working for you, please vote here: https://poll.fm/13201033
Join our blogging community
Are you a science writer or communications expert, or perhaps want to try your hand at science communication? All the EGU blogs, GeoLog (the official EGU blog), and all the division blogs, welcome guest contributions from scientists, students and professionals in the Earth, planetary and space sciences.
It couldn’t be easier to get involved. Decide what you’d like to write about, find the blog that is the best fit for your post and contact the blog editor – you can find all editor details on the individual blog pages. If in doubt, you can submit your idea for a post via the Submit a Post page on GeoLog, or email the EGU Media and Communications Officer, who can help with initial enquiries and introduce you to individual blog editors.
Don’t forget to a look at the blog pages for a flavour of the content you can expect from the new and existing blogs in 2024. The blogs are also a great place to learn about new opportunities, exciting fields of research and keep up to date with news relating to the upcoming 2024 General Assembly, taking place from April 14-19, 2024.
So go on then, get voting and keep an eye out for our post in February for the winners!