
The most-read EGU journal articles in 2021!

The most-read EGU journal articles in 2021!

This year EGU published more than 3,375 peer-reviewed articles in our 19 Open Access journals. Upon learning about this impressive number of articles, we wondered: which of these were the most popular? You can find out in the following list of the most-read article for each EGU journal.

From rainfall-runoff prediction, tipping points and open source hazard mapping, to the use of language around fracking and earthquake risk and a look back at the eruptive history of the Deccan Traps, these popular choices accounted for half a million views in 2021!


  • Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO)

Predictability of variable solar–terrestrial coupling

  • Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)

Method to quantify black carbon aerosol light absorption enhancement with a mixing state index

  • Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)

High-frequency monitoring of anomalous methane point sources with multispectral Sentinel-2 satellite observations

  • Biogeosciences (BG)

Slowdown of the greening trend in natural vegetation with further rise in atmospheric CO2

  • Climate of the Past (CP)

The PMIP4 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3 simulations

  • Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf)

Bias and error in modelling thermochronometric data: resolving a potential increase in Plio-Pleistocene erosion rate

  • Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

Interacting tipping elements increase risk of climate domino effects under global warming

  • Geochronology (GChron)

An evaluation of Deccan Traps eruption rates using geochronologic data

  • Geoscience Communication (GC)

Fracking bad language – hydraulic fracturing and earthquake risks

  • Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI)

First evaluation of an absolute quantum gravimeter (AQG#B01) for future field experiments

  • Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)

fv3gfs-wrapper: a Python wrapper of the FV3GFS atmospheric model

  • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)

Rainfall–runoff prediction at multiple timescales with a single Long Short-Term Memory network

  • Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)

HazMapper: a global open-source natural hazard mapping application in Google Earth Engine

  • Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG)

Recurrence analysis of extreme event-like data

  • Ocean Science (OS)

FES2014 global ocean tide atlas: design and performance

  • SOIL

SoilGrids 2.0: producing soil information for the globe with quantified spatial uncertainty

  • Solid Earth (SE)

Evaluating seismic beamforming capabilities of distributed acoustic sensing arrays

  • The Cryosphere (TC)

The tipping points and early warning indicators for Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica

  • Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD)

The wave geometry of final stratospheric warming events


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Hazel Gibson is Head of Communications at the European Geosciences Union. She is responsible for the management of the Union's social media presence and the EGU blogs, where she writes regularly for the EGU's official blog, GeoLog. She has over 12 years experience in science communication with public audiences and a PhD in Geoscience Communication and Cognition from the University of Plymouth in the UK.

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