
Imaggeo on Mondays: Refuge in a cloudscape

Imaggeo on Mondays: Refuge in a cloudscape

The action of glaciers combined with the structure of the rock to form this little platform, probably once a small lake enclosed between a moraine at the mountain side and the ice in the valley.

Now it has become a green haven in the mountain landscape, a perfect place for an alp. In the Alps, stratus clouds opening up on autumn mornings often create gorgeous light display.

That day, some of the first light landed on this exact spot, while the mountain shadows still covered the valley bottom.

Description by Julien Seguinot, as it first appeared on

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Olivia Trani is a former Communications Officer at the European Geosciences Union. Olivia has a MS in Science Journalism from Boston University and her work has appeared on WBUR-FM, Inside Science News Service, and the American Geophysical Union. Olivia tweets at @oliviatrani.

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