Meet the newest member of EGU’s communications team, Olivia Trani! Olivia joined the EGU office in February and since then has been managing GeoLog and the EGU blog network, running our social media channels, and developing EGU networking activities for early career scientists.
Hello from the EGU Executive Office! I have been working as the new EGU Communications Officer for the past few months (you may have seen me at the 2018 General Assembly), but I would like to take the time to officially introduce myself.
I am originally from the United States where I completed my bachelor’s in Biology and Environmental Science at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. As an undergraduate, I had many great research experiences, such as studying crabs and terrapins by canoe in the swamps of Virginia, hunting for American chestnuts in Maine’s hardwood forests, and examining microscopic fungi in the lab.
I then obtained a master’s in Science Journalism from Boston University, and following graduation, I had the opportunity to intern as a science writer for both Inside Science and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in Washington D.C.
A couple of months ago, I jumped over the Atlantic to join the EGU office team in Munich, and since then I have been managing EGU’s network of blogs and social media channels as well as organising initiatives for early career scientists. I also organised events geared towards science communication and early career scientists at the 2018 General Assembly. To do all this, I’ve been working closely with the EGU Media and Communications Manager, Bárbara Ferreira, and the EGU’s dedicated team of early career scientist representatives. I am very excited to continue sharing science here at the EGU office and collaborate with the EGU community!
Feel free to contact me at networking@egu.eu if you have any questions about EGU’s communication outlets or our early career scientist network. I look forward to hearing from you!