Do you have experience in science education or outreach? Are you looking to get more involved with the EGU community? The EGU Committee on Education and the EGU Outreach Committee are both searching for members interested in promoting the geosciences as well as engaging with the groups inside and outside the science community.
The Committee on Education, who is seeking a new committee chair, coordinates the EGU activities related to secondary and tertiary education. One of the committee’s main activities is the organisation of GIFT (Geosciences Information for Teachers) workshops, held annually during the EGU General Assembly. These established and successful workshops aim to spread first-hand scientific information to science teachers of primary and secondary schools. In addition to the GIFT workshops held during the General Assembly, the EGU organises education workshops elsewhere, usually in connection with international scientific conferences.
Many of the EGU education activities are conducted in collaboration with the Outreach Committee. The EGU media and communications manager also works closely with the Committee on Education, especially through the coordination of Planet Press, geoscience press releases for children.
Further to the activities described above, the committee aims to promote tertiary education. The new chair will be tasked with helping in the development of such programmes as well.
The Committee on Education’s new chair would ideally have experience in secondary and tertiary Earth science education, developing innovative geoscience education strategies, and providing training and professional development for Earth science teachers.
The committee chair application is due by 11 March 2018. Further details about the chair position and how to apply can be found here.
For further information about the position, which is voluntary, please contact Carlo Laj (education@egu.eu) or Philippe Courtial (executive-secretary@egu.eu).
The Outreach Committee, who is looking for a new committee chair and three members, promotes the geosciences and EGU activities among scientists, the non-scientific public, policymakers and other interested individuals and organisations. The committee focuses on public engagement activities, communication with scientists, the public at large, as well as with the media. It also aims to build links with European decision makers, making them more aware of what EGU has to offer. The committee also tries to facilitate interactions and transfer of information within the geoscience community by means other than scientific meetings and publications, such as newsletters, websites, data portals, bulletins, blogs, and social media. Another activity is to identify and highlight societal challenges that can be addressed by the scientific work of the EGU membership and to harness the expertise of the EGU membership to address societal needs.
The Outreach Committee’s new chair and members would ideally have wide geoscientific interests as well as experience in policy, outreach, working in committees and networking internationally.
The committee chair application is due by 11 March 2018. Further details about the chair position and how to apply can be found here.
The committee member application is due by 18 March 2018. Further details about the member positions and how to apply can be found here.
Feel free to contact the current Chair of the Outreach Committee, Nicholas Arndt (outreach@egu.eu) if you have any questions about the voluntary positions.