As member of the EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) Early Career Scientist (ECS) Representative team, and with the outlook of the first hybrid EGU General Assembly (GA), I take the opportunity to highlight some of the activities and news of the ECS TS team.
The ECS TS team has been very active all year round between last year’s #vEGU21 and the upcoming #EGU22 General Assembly. The activities of the ECS TS rely heavily on the voluntary effort of a group of early career researchers from the tectonic and structural geology community. This diverse group of committed and pro-active researchers deserves to be acknowledged for their valuable efforts and ongoing enthusiasm. They both sustain existing activities and develop new ones, all of which are of interest to early-career scientists, the TS community, and EGU as a whole. The ECS TS team is always looking for new members for the blog, media and activities team, and ideas for activities to do and/or about regular series on our social media are always welcome, so get in contact!
For a couple of years now, the structure of the EGU ECS TS team consists of three independent but interweaved sub-teams; the blog, media, and activities teams. Each of these is led by a sub-team leader, and coordinated by the TS Representatives.
TS Blog Team – Led by Hannah Davies. The TS Blog Team is always on fire under the smooth guidance of Hannah Davies, who is always on top of things. Her editorial work and dedication to the job are excellent, which has resulted in a large number of top-quality blog posts, 29 this year, and the number of visitors that the TS Blog receives each week, which commonly ranges between 800 and 1000. The TS Blog Team publishes articles that are written by a small group of authors and invited authors in the frame of several blog series. Some blog series have been running for years now. In the past 12 months since the last GA, each of these series’ has been featured. Features from the field (4 posts, authored by: Samuele Papeschi, Sandra McLaren, and Afroz Shah); Mind your Head (2 posts, authored by: Anne Pluymakers, Elenora van Rijsingen, and Maria Scheel); TS Must-Read (17 posts, by the Must-Read Papers team, see below), and our new series that has just started, Geomythology headed by Filippo Carboni (3 posts). Yu Ren also revived an old series, Minds over methods
TS Media Team – Led by Silvia Brizzi. The team has steadily continued to bring information relevant to the TS community on different social media outlets. Coordination is in the hands of Silvia Brizzi, always approachable and in control of the team. She coordinates the team to share content and activities online across Twitter (~2000 followers) and Facebook (~3000 followers), where she communicates, together with Arnab Roy, everything related to our division. Two specific activities that are also maintained by the Media Team are the “Monday paper”, where freshly-published papers by TS ECS researchers are promoted, and the “Friday Jobs” post, where… well, jobs for TS ECS are announced! The first activity has been sustained without a hiccup by Sonny Aribowo over the last year, whereas the second activity has been maintained with enthusiasm by Xiong Ou. Xiong does not mind continuing the job another year, but if there are volunteers to take over, he’s also happy to pass along the torch! A third activity, which we hope to start soon, will concern tectonic modeling, under the leadership of Frank Zwaan. Stay tuned!
TS Activities Team – Led by David Fernández-Blanco. The TS Activity Team coordinates all other activities of the ECS TS team. The Tectonics and Structural Geology field-class that the division commonly used to have prior to the General Assembly does not take place, once again, but we are looking into that possibility for next year. Fortunately, the “TS Must-Read” activity, which is dedicated to the telematic discussion of must-read papers relevant to the tectonics and structural geology community is on full speed on Reddit, and we believe that this has been a valuable activity to the community. The community-wide forum for discussion of these papers receives the visits of readers interested in commenting about the contribution, and in several cases visits by the authors of those papers too! David Fernández-Blanco coordinates, alongside Gianluca Frasca and Silvia Crossetto, a 12-person team responsible for this activity as we promote, discuss and write blog posts about a different contribution, out of the 48 articles selected by the community, every two weeks. The team is composed by (in alphabetical order): Adriana Guatame-García, Akinbobola Akintomide, Armin Dielforder, Benoît Petri, David Fernández-Blanco, Gianluca Frasca, Gino de Gelder, Marta Marchegiano, Pan Luo, Patricia Cadenas, Silvia Crosetto, and Utsav Mannu.
Together with the TS president, Paola Vannucchi, we have designed a new rotation system (rota) for Early Career Representatives. This rota will allow the coordination of the TS team activities by two persons while a third person learns about the ins and outs of the group, as is already common for other EGU divisions. The rota will also allow a more dynamic rotation among posts, with a main representative, an incoming representative and a shadowing representative that increase their involvement in the group on a yearly basis. David Fernández-Blanco will leave his post as main representative to become the new union-wide ECS representative. He has been a vital part of the EGU ECS TS community over the past 3 years, displaying outstanding leadership, dedication and enthusiasm. A lot of the growth as a TS ECS community can be attributed to his tireless efforts! Following a vote at the TS meeting at the GA, Silvia Crosetto will become the new main representative for the upcoming year, myself the incoming representative, and Sascha Zertani the new shadowing representative.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who attended the short courses, networking and educational activities by members of the ECS TS team, and events of general relevance for the TS community outside the scientific sessions:
Sunday, 22nd May – 18:00 (Altes AKH in the University of Wien campus courtyard) – TS, GM, NH and GMPV ice breaker (Valeria Cigala, Silvia Crosetto, Giulia Consuma, Aayush Srivastava, Silvia De Angeli, Franziska Keller, Simona Gabrielli)
Tuesday, 24th May, 8:45–8:55 – MAL22. Marie Tharp Medal Lecture by Francesca Funiciello (Paolo Vannucchi)
Tuesday, 24th May, 10:20–11:50 – SC4.3. Geology 101 – The (hi)story of rocks (Richard Wessels, Silvia Crosetto, Francesco Giuntoli, Anouk Beniest, David Fernández-Blanco)
Tuesday, 24th May, 14:35–14:45 – MAL49. TS Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture by Mojtaba Rajabi (Paolo Vannucchi)
Tuesday, 24th May – 19.00–20.30 (Hall A) ECS Networking reception
Wednesday, 25th May – 12:00–13:00 TS ECS networking event and meet the TS team (Silvia Crosetto), park by Vienna centre – Meeting point between entrances 1 and 2 of the ACV
Wednesday, 25th May – 20:30 GD, SM, TS joined social evening _ Bermuda Brau bar, Vienna, open event
Thursday, 26th May – 12:00–13:00 – DM4. Division meeting for Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) (Paola Vannucchi)
Thank you to all our readers and members of the EGU TS division for supporting EGU, this blog, and the wider ECS activities.