EGU Blogs


Soil System Sciences

Eric Brevik’s work awarded by Geoderma

Eric Brevik’s work awarded by Geoderma

The review paper The use of electromagnetic induction techniques in soils studies, by James A. Doolittle and Eric Brevik, has been awarded as the Geoderma’s Best Review of 2014. The Geoderma Best Paper Awards are chosen every year since 2013. Candidates are nominated by the Geoderma Editorial Board and a short-list is then created for voting by the editorial Board. The winner of the Geoderma ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Sustainability of water uses in managed hydrosystems: human- and climate-induced changes for the mid-21st century

Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, **** Citation: Fabre, J., Ruelland, D., Dezetter, A., and Grouillet, B.: Sustainability of water uses in managed hydrosystems: human- and climate-in ...[Read More]


Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Planetary Seismology

Applications are invited for a two-year Post-doctoral Research Assistant in Planetary Seismology, within Bristol University’s School of Earth Sciences. The post will focus on NASA’s InSight geophysics mission, which lands on Mars in late 2016. NASA InSight aims to probe the detailed internal structure of Mars for the first time by deploying two tripod-mounted seismometers onto the surface to deter ...[Read More]


What if everyone jumped at once?

What if everyone jumped at once?

One person’s jump is practically negligible when compared to Earth’s internal forces. But, what if everyone jumped together at the same time? There are roughly 7 billion people on Earth, with a total weight of approximately 350 billion kilogram. What if we all jumped together at once? Are we able to shake the planet? Are we able to slow down time? Although this might sound like a fun g ...[Read More]


Young Scientists renamed Early Career Scientists

Young Scientists renamed Early Career Scientists

A message from Laura Roberts the EGU Communications Officer (early career scientists’ contact person at the EGU Office) Following feedback from the 2014 young scientists survey, supported by the findings of the Young Scientist Forum at the EGU General Assembly 2014, the EGU Council has decided to replace the term Young Scientist (YS) by Early Career Scientist (ECS). For the time being, the definit ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Image of the Week: GISP II Borehole

Image of the Week: GISP II Borehole

Climate records from ice cores have helped scientists understand the past changes in climate.The GISP II (Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two) ice core was more than 3km long and was drilled during a five year period in the 1990s. After the drilling ended the casing of the borehole was extended above the surface, so that the borehole can still be accessed for remeasurements of, for example, temperatur ...[Read More]


Looking for a new position in seismology?

Looking for a new position in seismology?

Did you know that EGU has a dedicated page for jobs. The EGU offers a platform for job seekers to find vacancies in the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Available research positions are displayed online. Checkout the seismology jobs currently advertised on the EGU page: Employers can post a vacancy, free of charge, by filling the Job Submission Form.

Cryospheric Sciences

Camping on the Svalbard coast

Camping on the Svalbard coast

In early April 2015, a small team of 2 Belgian and 2 French researchers went to Svalbard. The goal? Testing new methods to measure sea-ice thickness and ice algal biomass, but also measuring greenhouse gases in the sea ice in relation with the ‘STeP’ (Storfjorden Polynya multidisciplinary study) campaign. With funding from the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and IPSL and logistical arrangements by t ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

How to assess geo-exchange potential for shallow geothermal energy at regional scale?

Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, **** By Eloisa Di Sipio   Galgaro A., Di Sipio E., Teza G., Destro E., De Carli M., Chiesa S., Zarrella A., Emmi G., Manzella A. 2015. Empirical mod ...[Read More]

Atmospheric Sciences

Why should we care about a building’s energy consumption?

Why should we care about a building’s energy consumption?

From the 9th to the 11th of September the Solar Energy and Buildings Physics laboratory is hosting the CISBAT conference. This international meeting is seen as a leading platform for interdisciplinary dialog in the field of sustainability in the built environment. More than 250 scientists and people from the industry will be at EPFL in Lausanne to talk about topics from solar nanotechnologies to t ...[Read More]