Most people know that the EGU General Assembly is Europe’s largest geoscientific conference bringing together Earth, planetary, and space scientists from all over the world. But did you know that YOU can take an active part in organising its scientific programme? From now until 14 September 2023, we are accepting proposals for scientific sessions, Union Symposia, Great Debates, and Short Courses & ...[Read More]
If you didn't find what you was looking for try searching again.
Fatiando a Terra: a journey into open-source software for Geophysics
A Day in the Life – John Hillier
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. post by John Hillier, Reader in Natural Hazard Risks, Loughborough University (UK) I am sitting at my kitchen table, at home. Children’s pictures ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Some icy summer reads – the blog goes on holiday
The cryosphere blog is taking a summer break but not without first providing you with your beach/airplane/train/fieldwork/balcony summer reading list to make you miss us a tiny bit less. Continue reading this post to explore some summer inspiration. Like a lot of northern countries who take long summer breaks to enjoy the long hours of light (midnight sun) after a dark winter, the Cryoblog is also ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: meet Dinko Sindija, researcher of seismic signals and Seismology ECS Representative!
Hello Dinko. Thank you for agreeing to this interview! Before we dig deeper, could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your background? Well thanks for having me. My name is Dinko and I’m a seismologist, doing a PostDoc at the Department of Geophysics at the University of Zagreb. Currently, I work on a Croatian-Norwegian collaboration project in which we densified seismic network ...[Read More]
Hydrological Sciences
Organizing a Workshop as an ECS: Lessons learned from “Cryosphere-groundwater interactions: a missing link in mountain water research”
Despite the importance of mountains for downstream water supply, there are large gaps in our scientific understanding of how snow and ice meltwater travels through the landscape, specifically which flowpaths meltwater takes below the surface. Plus, existing knowledge is scattered throughout various sub-disciplines of mountain hydrology: glaciology, snow science, hydrogeology, and surface hydrology ...[Read More]
Linking slab graveyards and ghost-arc geochemical signatures in the South Atlantic and Southwest Indian Mid-Ocean Ridges
Two centuries later, the world is yet to fully understand Nikola Tesla
Most people associate Tesla with the multi-billion American automotive and clean energy company, and by that extension, with Elon Musk. But with today (July 10th) being Nikola Tesla Day, it gives us a rare opportunity to discover the man behind the name – the Serbian American scientist who contributed to scientific progress and advances in technology that we still heavily rely on today. Tesla is c ...[Read More]
Natural Hazards
Five (or more) reasons why… you should become a blog editor about natural hazards!
If you want to be a blog editor about natural hazards… This post is for you! The EGU Natural Hazards Division Blog Editorial Team is looking for new motivated blog editors to join our interdisciplinary and inclusive team. Now you are wondering why you should join us. There are plenty of good reasons, indeed. In this blog post, we will do our best to convince you that becoming part of our editorial ...[Read More]
Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
A Geologist’s Dream Vacation: Exploring Europe’s Volcanic Wonders!
Summer time can be stressful – you have plenty of things to do at work but at the same time you’re thinking about your next vacation all the time. This is at least how I was feeling, combined with some curiosity, I asked chatGPT to write a blog post about vacation destinations for geologist around volcanoes in Europe – here are the results, I hope you get inspired: Calling all g ...[Read More]