December is a busy month, and while we are busy preparing gifts and a mindful attitude for the festive season, finishing up projects for the year, at some point, we close the laptop and take our ride of choice home. So as a little treat for your ears, we found some 8 (+1) polar podcasts for those in need of a little inspiration. The podcasts are tackled from points of natural science, policy, history, tourism and more and range from the Arctic to the Antarctic and some for all in between. Get inspired and tuned in.
Polar Times
This is an APECS podcast that is “bringing you Science and stories from literally the coolest places on the planet”. The podcast has around 50 episodes to choose from, always with a different guest and a different topic and there are still new ones to come. The topics range from cool scientific missions and outcomes to tools and methods like video and art. And the cool thing, if you like, you can suggest a guest (including yourself) or you could join the group that is behind Polar Times. Check it out.
Curiously Polar
Talking about all kinds of stories and news about the poles. This is a very entertaining discussion between the three, sometimes two podcasts hosts, about anything that you can be curious about. There are already over 150 episodes to choose from, some about actual polar news, such as recent discoveries or political decisions, but also mystery stories, stories about polar explorers and places or funny animal stories. Look at the poles through the eyes of a photographer, a tour-guide and scientist and find out about things you didn’t even know you could be curious about (and sometimes they even throw in that extra knowledge on photography!).
Polar Podcasts
Well, we all know that EGU is crazy about geology and rock science. If you also fancy some geology and/or have fallen in love with Greenland already, this one will be great for you. Focusing solely on Greenland, it shares various geo-based stories by scientists, ranging from nerd-outs to personal stories.
Knowledge on the Nordics
This one is great, if you are living in or curious about the Nordic Countries (aka Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark), their culture and history and how these two drove each other. Expect more than just vikings and listen to researchers being interviewed quite in depth. Having lived in Denmark before, I found this one really relatable [Maria]!
Arctic Circle Podcast
If you are more interested in current global happenings and how science and policy drive it in the Arctic, then the Arctic Circle Podcast discusses a variety of global events and their interaction with the Arctic, its environment and people. Recent episodes also include some insights on COP28 & Co.
All about Antarctica
…is basically an undergraduate class given and organised by Dr. Steven Emslie that gives you insights on all aspects of Antarctica. It does not have new episodes following up, but it is great to be digested as an audiobook while coding away or sitting in the train home! As an Arctic-biased researcher, I learned a lot!
Polar Geopolitics
Diving into circumpolar politics, this podcast shines light on the most recent political developments and how they effect life up north.
The IcePod
“The Podcast about Polar Science and the People” is the podcast that accompanied the MOSAiC expedition. If you would like to know more about the logistics and the science behind the largest polar expedition of our current times or simply would like to relive the memories you might have, we recommend you give this podcast a try.
Although they have only posted from May to July this year, we hope that there is more coming.
BONUS: How to save a planet
Not exclusively polar, but more very relevant and entertaining and hopeful! Even though it stopped a year ago and handles global environmental topics, it is hands down the best climate related podcast that I know, that, in the vibe of our beloved EGU CR blog 😉 manages to find creativity and inspiration in today’s challenges!
If we missed any, please feel free to comment/reshare with your recommendations or favourite episodes. With this, the blog is taking a well deserved winter / holiday break. We will see you again for our first post of 2024 on January 12.
Have a wonderful holiday season 🙂
Your chief-editors. *mic-drop*