Now #shareEGU20 has come to an end, division officers have changed and this includes the Early Career Scientists (ECS) Representatives. Time to meet them!
Union-level and Deputy Union-level ECS Representatives
Anouk Beniest and Anita Di Chiara
Atmospheric Sciences
Outgoing ECS Representative Fernando Iglesias-Suarez has one last message:
“As the outgoing ECS-AS Rep, I am really grateful and happy for the opportunity and experience I have enjoyed!”
Ingoing ECS Representative Mengze Li has a welcoming message:
“It’s my great honour to be the incoming rep. I’m looking forward to working together with ECS members and making our community strongly connected.”
Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics
Saioa Arquero Campuzano
Energy Resources and the Environment
Morgan Tranter
I am a PhD student at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. I do geochemical and numerical modelling and currently focus on studying the development of mineral scalings in geothermal systems. Above that, I am interested in many hydrogeological topics and I am generally fascinated by water.
As an ECS representative of the ERE division I wish to promote networking and provide a platform for young scientists to connect with each other. I am deeply committed to the idea that by working closely together, (early career) scientists may inspire each other and benefit from a pool of knowledge. If you want to get involved, there is always ample opportunity to do so, so please get in touch!
Anna Gulcher
Anna Gülcher is a PhD student in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics group at ETH Zürich and works on compositional heterogeneity in the Earth and its effect on mantle dynamics. For this, she aims at putting geophysical, geological and geochemical observations in a geodynamically coherent framework.
Anna has been involved as a co-editor for the GD blog and as the upcoming GD ECS Rep, aims at even more connecting the GD community through various ECS events, the GD blog and through social media. For this, collaboration with the other active GD ECS volunteers has a high priority. Moreover, Anna hopes to further strengthen the link between neighboring divisions. If you’re interested in getting involved, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Ocean Sciences
Meriel is a PhD student at the Marine Biological Section of the University of Copenhagen. She is passionate about marine biogeochemical cycles and biological oceanography. Although, originally from Germany she studied in Austria and holds a degree in Ecology and Ecosystems from the University of Vienna, where she worked on the deep sea and marine carbon cycling mediated by microbes. Meriel’s current research focus is on vitamins in the coastal ocean. As the ECS Representative she wants to further increase the outreach and science communication by the OS division. Meriel hopes to encourage networking among the ECS and promote an inclusive science community. For questions or getting involved please reach out!
Planetary and Solar System Sciences
Joshua Dreyer
I’m a PhD student at the Swedish Institute for Space Physics (IRF) in Uppsala. My research focuses on plasma in Saturn’s ionosphere, the effect of dust within and the influence of the rings on the ionisation balance, with a personal interest in auroral studies on the side. Previously I spent three semesters at UNIS on Svalbard and wrote my thesis on small-scale auroral fragments there.
As the new PS ECS representative, my focus is to assemble a nice team of motivated ECS, increase the online interaction with the PS community and organize some community events. I’m looking forward to representing the PS ECS and collaborating with other divisions over the next years!
Soil System Sciences:
Layla is a PhD student in Soil Biogeochemistry at Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville, Spain (IRNAS-CSIC). Her research focuses on soil organic matter (SOM) and carbon turnover rates in representative Mediterranean soils from southern Spain. She is developing analytical approaches that comprises structural and chemical aspects related to SOM, such as microbial biomarkers and isotopes, to elucidate SOM transformation.
Recently, she has been contributing to the SSS Division as a co-editor and creator content of the Division Blog, as well as actively collaborating in social media. As the new ECS representative and along with the other two ECS co-representatives: Daniel Evans and Mika Turunen, she aims to continue building and strengthen relationships among not only the soil sciences community, but also with other divisions. We will work to share resources, promote networking, and facilitate opportunities in our field.
Welcome, and we look forward to working with you all!