The selection committee received over 600 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Contest, covering fields across the geosciences. Participants at the 2019 General Assembly have been voting for their favourites throughout the week of the conference and there are three clear winners. Congratulations to 2019’s fantastic photographers!

43°29’S 147°08’E – Meet me at the lighthouse. Credit: Vytas Huth (distributed via Light pollution is an environmental hazard we often overlook. When I had the chance to view the Southern Hemisphere’s night sky with only the Antarctic Ocean in front of me, I realised how much we have already lost in the Northern Hemisphere and Europe. It almost seems as if the night is becoming extinct.

A frozen time capsule. Credit: Florian Konrad (distributed via The Schwarzmooskogel-Höhlensystem is located in the Totes Gebirge in Austria and consists of 17 individual caves with a total length of about 140km. Inside, it felt like time did not pass or just passed really slowly. The shapes that the ice had sculptured were endless and took our breath away.

Temporary pond within ice fall of Fox Glacier. Credit: Stefan Winkler (distributed via temporary pond of meltwater on the surface of Fox Glacier, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Due to the fast movement and the rough surface, there is not an established supraglacial or englacial meltwater system resulting in temporary ponds forming and subsequently draining during over several weeks to a few months.
Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. All geoscientists (and others) can submit their photographs and videos to this repository and, since it is open access, these images can be used for free by scientists for their presentations or publications, by educators and the general public, and some images can even be used freely for commercial purposes. Photographers also retain full rights of use, as Imaggeo images are licensed and distributed by the EGU under a Creative Commons licence. Submit your photos at
Laura Bertha Reyes Sánchez
I presented my poster but I do not have my record of presentation.
I need my proof of participation and I do not know how to obtain it.
Olivia Trani
Hi Laura! You can request a certificate of General Assembly attendance through out meeting organisers, Copernicus, via email at