
EGU Guest blogger

This guest post was contributed by a scientist, student or a professional in the Earth, planetary or space sciences. The EGU blogs welcome guest contributions, so if you've got a great idea for a post or fancy trying your hand at science communication, please contact the blog editor or the EGU Communications Officer to pitch your idea.

Structure-from-Motion for Seismology

Structure-from-Motion for Seismology

This blog post about drone photogrammetry for seismology research is written by Lars Gebraad, with contributions from Isamu Naets and Patrick Marty. Lars Gebraad and Patrick Marty are doing their doctorates at the Seismology and Wave Physics group and Isamu Naets did his PhD at the Geothermal Energy and Geofluids group, both at the Dept. of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich. Like many techy outdoor young ...[Read More]

Earthquake Watch: The 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes – A catastrophic day for Turkey

Earthquake Watch: The 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes – A catastrophic day for Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Dr Onur Tan from Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa outlines the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes for the Earthquake Watch. February 6, 2023, was a catastrophic day for Turkey. The most destructive earthquake in the last century, Mw 7.8, hit the eastern part of the country at 04:17 local time. Unexpectedly, the second Mw 7.5 mainshock shook the region nine hours later. The mainsh ...[Read More]

SENSOR: Fishing geophones from a helicopter in Greenland

SENSOR: Fishing geophones from a helicopter in Greenland

“SENSOR” – stands for Seismological Experiments, Network Systems, Observations and Recovery In this blog series, we share news about recent or upcoming seismic experiments around the globe! And this time we’re checking in with Ana Nap, a PhD student from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, about her work on Greenland’s fastest glacier… Installing instruments on Greenland’s fas ...[Read More]

Earthquake Watch: The Guanshan, Chih-shang sequence in Taiwan, 17-18 Sept, 2022

Earthquake Watch: The Guanshan, Chih-shang sequence in Taiwan, 17-18 Sept, 2022

Contribution about the September 2022 M 6.6 and M 6.8 earthquakes in South-East Taiwan Dr.Yifan Yin , recent graduate at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at the Earth Sciences department of ETH Zürich. On 17 September 2022, a magnitude 6.6 quake shook the southern-east Taiwan. The merely 8.6 km deep quake was widely felt across the island. Sixteen hours later, a magnitude 6.8 shallow quake fo ...[Read More]