EGU Blogs



The Sassy Scientist – Programmed Screaming

The Sassy Scientist – Programmed Screaming

Live from the EGU assembly, from an anonymous chair in an anonymous room in the Vienna International Centre, during an anonymous session on some geoscience-related topic, my commitment of reporting the truth as-is does not stop. Siri has recently asked a very practical question concerning the organisation of your EGU experience: How do you make your own personal programme for EGU without screaming ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU22: Friday Highlights

EGU22: Friday Highlights

Happy Friday! The last day of the #EGU22 has arrived! I really hope you had a great conference experience so far and we would be grateful if you would share your feedback here with us! But now some last tips on how to spend your last day of the general assembly. We hope you recovered already from our dinner yesterday, because Friday morning starts off quite intense right at 8:30 am. How about star ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

ClimarisQ: A game on the complexity of the climate systems and the extreme events

ClimarisQ: A game on the complexity of the climate systems and the extreme events

ClimarisQ is a smartphone/web game from a scientific mediation project that highlights the complexity of the climate system and the urgency of collective action to limit climate change. It is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Italian. It is an app-game where players must make decisions to limit the frequency and impacts of extreme climate events and their impacts on human s ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU22: Thursday Highlights

Grand Prismatic Spring by David Mencin (via

It’s Thursday! Many European countries would actually have a holiday today with a long morning in bed or a nice stroll around nature, but what is there that’s better than spending this day at the EGU conference center?! To help you make the best out of this holiday, we’ll give you some highlights of the day to navigate around! We suggest you to start your day early, there are some great sessions o ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU22: Wednesday highlights

EGU22: Wednesday highlights

This Wednesday we are at exactly half time through the congress! Here are some tips for today as one looks forward to a wonderful day of learning and sharing. We start between 8.30 and 11.45 CEST immersing ourselves in the world of metamorphic minerals (session GMPV 7.2– Room D2 and geodynamic processes (session GD 6. ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Resolving the very fine details of the Sun in low frequency radio

Radio images of the Sun taken by a range of radio observatories at different frequencies.

The Sun is an active radio emitter, it produces radio emissions in a wide frequency range from kHz to THz. The solar atmosphere has a complex distribution of magnetic field, plasma density, and temperature. These different properties of the solar atmosphere will result in different radio emission features at different frequencies. In principle, the plasma density decreases with the heliocentric di ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Your favourite conference is here, and it is already day number 2!

Your favourite conference is here, and it is already day number 2!

Tuesday, 24-05 GMPV folk, what did you think of the opening day of EGU GA 22? Exciting talks? Did you stopped by any of the ECS events or short-courses? After a kicking start yesterday evening, today session 9.4 continues in room D2 with plenty more on volcanic processes. There are several highlight talks that you should not dare to miss in the morning, and many more incredible talks. See which be ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Initiation and Heliospheric Evolution of a stealthy solar eruption

A schematic of the ICME flux rope cross-section and the large-scale magnetic structure draping about the ICME obtained based on the PSP observation.

In the early 1970s, when Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), massive eruptions of magnetized solar plasma into interplanetary space, were first discovered, they were assumed to be always associated with the energetic solar phenomenon like solar flares, prominences, etc. With improved coronagraphic and multi-wavelength observational instruments, a class of CMEs emerging from the streamers was found and ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU22: Monday Highlights

EGU22: Monday Highlights

And, finally, here we go again, at EGU22!! After a long year, in person or virtually, we are sure will all attend amazing sessions. So here there is a quick guide for the first day of GMPV at EGU22, so you will not get lost! Let’s start in the morning with the geochemical and mineralogical study of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in “Mass extinctions and major environmental changes througho ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Where’s That Tree? I Need Another Didgeridoo!

The Sassy Scientist – Where’s That Tree? I Need Another Didgeridoo!

Mathieu is putting the final touches on his presentation for next week’s crazy science rumble also known as the EGU GA. A hybrid meeting of sorts nonetheless. Scrolling through the schedule, he exasperates: How do you make the most of yet another, sorta-kinda hybrid meeting? Dear Mathieu, Well…. you don’t. You just go through he motions like any other “fun new experience ...[Read More]