EGU Blogs


Cryospheric Sciences

Image of the Week – The colors of sea ice

Image of the Week – The colors of sea ice

The Oscars 2018 might be over, but we have something for you that is just as cool or even cooler (often cooler than -20°C)! Our Image of the Week shows thin sections of sea ice photographed under polarized light, highlighting individual ice crystals in different colors, and is taken from a short video that we made. Read more about what this picture shows and watch the movie about how we got these ...[Read More]


Postcard from Singapore: Global Young Scientists Summit 2018

Postcard from Singapore: Global Young Scientists Summit 2018

Excite, engage, enable. These three words were the driving mission behind the gathering of over 250 PhD and postdoctoral fellows at the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) in Singapore. In January 2018, Thomas Schutzius, Michael Zumstein, Daniel Sutter, and I had the distinct pleasure of representing the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) at this year’s summit. The GYSS is a mult ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

International Research Projects: what can we learn from CHANGES?

International Research Projects: what can we learn from CHANGES?

Today I have the pleasure to post an interview on International Research Projects. The interviewee, Dr. Cees van Westen, does not need any introduction for those who work in the field on Natural Hazards. Today, he will “speak” as the coordinator of the CHANGES project and further information can be asked directly to him if this interview will stimulate your curiosity (e-mail: c.j.vanwe ...[Read More]

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

SSP blog goes live!

SSP blog goes live!

We are delighted to officially launch the blog of the Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology (SSP) division of the EGU! Our community is broad and interdisciplinary, and we hope to establish a platform for sharing up-to-date information on SSP related topics such as (but not limited to): Latest news, publications and reviews in SSP academic and applied research; Recent development in analyt ...[Read More]


Being both strong and weak

Being both strong and weak

The Geodynamics 101 series serves to showcase the diversity of research topics and methods in the geodynamics community in an understandable manner. We welcome all researchers – PhD students to Professors – to introduce their area of expertise in a lighthearted, entertaining manner and touch upon some of the outstanding questions and problems related to their fields. For our latest ‘Geodynamics 10 ...[Read More]

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

Xenoconformity! Welcome to the new-born in the stratigraphy family

Xenoconformity! Welcome to the new-born in the stratigraphy family

Every geologist has heard at least once in his career the term unconformity and all its different flavours (e.g. disconformity, paraconformity, angular unconformity, etc…). These terms are part of the basic learning in geology, often taught during first year classes in Stratigraphy. Well, it seems we’ll have to add one term in these lectures: Xenoconformity! In a recently published paper, Carroll1 ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Image of the Week – A Hole-y Occurrence, the reappearance of the Weddell Polynya

Image of the Week – A Hole-y Occurrence, the reappearance of the Weddell Polynya

REMARK: If you’ve enjoyed reading this post, please make sure you’ve voted for it in EGU blog competition (2nd choice in the list)! During both the austral winters of 2016 and 2017, a famous feature of the Antarctic sea-ice cover was observed once again, 40 years after its first observed occurrence: the Weddell Polynya! The sea-ice cover exhibited a huge hole (of around 2600 km2 up to ...[Read More]


Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop 2018

Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop 2018

Since 2007, the German Young Geomorphologists organize annual workshops in order to support networking amongst early career geomorphology enthusiasts. The meetings provide a platform for open discussions on a wide range of problems that might have emerged within a particular research project. This year, we invite all interested young researchers / students in geomorphology and related fields to jo ...[Read More]


Finding the forces in continental rifting

Finding the forces in continental rifting

The Geodynamics 101 series serves to showcase the diversity of research topics and methods in the geodynamics community in an understandable manner. We welcome all researchers – PhD students to Professors – to introduce their area of expertise in a lighthearted, entertaining manner and touch upon some of the outstanding questions and problems related to their fields. For our latest ‘Geodynam ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

EGU – Realm and Maze? An interview with Susanne Buiter, the current chair of the EGU Programme Committee

EGU – Realm and Maze? An interview with Susanne Buiter, the current chair of the EGU Programme Committee

Susanne Buiter is senior scientist and team leader at the Solid Earth Geology Team at the Geological Survey of Norway. She is also the chair of the EGU Programme Committee. This means that she leads the coordination of the scientific programme of the annual General Assembly. She assists the Division Presidents and Programme Group chairs when they build the session programme of their divisions, hel ...[Read More]