

Apply to become a BG Scientific Officer

Apply to become a BG Scientific Officer

Biogeosciences Division Structure During the last EGU Biogeosciences Division Meeting we revealed how the BG Division would evolve over the next 12 months with your support and guidance. The new BG structure will consist of eight sub-divisions illustrated below. This structure maintains the visibility, expertise and diversity of our Biogeosciences community whilst creating new thematics that provi ...[Read More]

From the forest to the ocean – get to know the new ECS representative team of the Biogeosciences division!

From the forest to the ocean – get to know the new ECS representative team of the Biogeosciences division!

The Biogeosciences division is among the most diverse in the EGU, from marine and terrestrial sciences to extraterrestrial studies and remote sensing applications. Therefore, there is a need of a team of ECS representatives covering a wide range of research interests and topics. Do you want to know them?     Elisabet Martínez-Sancho is a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Federal Insti ...[Read More]

World Ocean Day 2021!

World Ocean Day 2021!

Today (8th June) marks World Ocean Day, celebrated annually since 1992 World Ocean Day is a chance to celebrate the 71% of our planet covered by the Ocean and reflect on the actions we need to take to preserve this vital part of our Earth System. Each year, World Ocean Day has a different theme, this year the focus is on Life and Livelihoods, seeking to represent the interconnections between the O ...[Read More]

First BG Campfire with special guests from the Soil System Sciences Division!

First BG Campfire with special guests from the Soil System Sciences Division!

We are excited to announce the 1st Biogeosciences Division Campfire event! The spirit of our campfire events is to bring together the biogeoscience community, irrespective of career stage, to discuss new BG research-relevant ideas and tools with one another. The aim of this welcoming, informal and inclusive BG virtual campfire will be to widen our research network and foster support within the BG ...[Read More]

Welcome to the vEGU21: BG events not miss

Welcome to the vEGU21: BG events not miss

With the vEGU21 now officially started, apart from many interesting scientific sessions kicking off next Monday (26th April), the BG Division has prepared for you several events where you will have the opportunity to learn more about the Division, get to know who we are and what we do, network with the community and colleagues, and much more… We have picked a few highlights for you not to mi ...[Read More]

vEGU21 BG4 Session highlights: Marine environments – past, present and future

vEGU21 BG4 Session highlights: Marine environments – past, present and future

The vEGU21 abstract submission deadline is tomorrow, here are a few more session highlights for you to consider submitting abstract to: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences from paleo-environments to modern settings. With a focus on marine carbonate (bio)minerals as archives of environmental change, (Paleo-)environmental reconstructions from biomineralized carbonates: From the Precambrian to th ...[Read More]

vEGU21 Soils to forest ecosystems sessions in the spotlight

vEGU21 Soils to forest ecosystems sessions in the spotlight

With the vEGU21 abstract submission deadline so close now, consider submitting to one of the sessions of BG3 – Terrestrial Biogeosciences: BG3 of the upcoming vEGU21 includes a wide range of soil-focused sessions, from Soils and Global Change (Co-organized by BG3.26/SSS12, co-convened by Abad Chabbi and Cornelia Rumpel) – with a focus on biogeochemical cycles, soil processes and feedback mec ...[Read More]

vEGU21 Sessions in the spotlight: Geomicrobiology, extreme environments on Earth and planetary analogs

vEGU21 Sessions in the spotlight: Geomicrobiology, extreme environments on Earth and planetary analogs

As the deadline for vEGU21 abstract submission is getting closer, consider submitting your abstract to one of these two fascinating biogeochemistry-themed sessions of BG5 – Geomicrobiology, extreme environments on Earth and planetary analogs: With Early Earth: Dynamics, Geology, Chemistry and Life in the Archean Earth (Co-organized by GD1.4/AS4/BG5/CL1/GMPV3), Ria Fischer, Peter A. Cawood, Nichola ...[Read More]