
Sinikka Lennartz

Sinikka is Scientific Officer for the Marine Biogeosciences Subdivision. She is head of the group Biogeochemical Ocean Modelling at University of Oldenburg. In her research, she uses models from theoretical box models to global ocean circulation models to understand microbial interactions in the ocean and their role in controlling dissolved organic matter, one of the largest reservoirs of organic carbon on the planet.

What’s new at EGU23?

What’s new at EGU23?

EGU23 is back with longer talks, posters and PICO sessions! While EGU is always great to catch up with colleagues in classical sessions offered every year, here, we want to highlight some new sessions that will premier at EGU23. We have selected a few from each Subdivision to show the broad range of topics covered. General Biogeosciences The PICO session “It’s all about migration!” focuses on migr ...[Read More]

EGU22 in the Spotlight: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences

EGU22 in the Spotlight: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences

The EGU22 is approaching soon – no matter whether you are attending in person or online, here are a few highlight sessions from the field of marine and aquatic biogeosciences. From controlled experiments to natural laboratories – scientists use a variety of methods to unravel ecosystem functional responses to environmental changes. The session “Experimental approaches in Marine Biogeosciences”, co ...[Read More]