EGU Blogs



Elevating diverse voices and groundwater research from around the world with Water Underground Talks

Elevating diverse voices and groundwater research from around the world with Water Underground Talks

By Tom Gleeson and Viviana Re It has been a challenging year of a pandemic, economic collapse and an ever-increasing awareness of racism, all set against a backdrop of other global challenges including climate change and food security. We believe it is important to link groundwater with these challenges and to stay positive using our science and work as scientists to contribute to a better future. ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during December!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during December!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For December, the Divisions we are featuring are: Cryospheric Sciences (CR), Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL) and Nonlinear Processes in Geoscience (NP). They are served by the journals: Geoscientif ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Save the dates! GMPV talks for January, February and March 2021

Save the dates! GMPV talks for January, February and March 2021

Please join us for GMPV ECS talks in early 2021! You can register in advance for the talks at the links below. In 2021, we’ll be running some special editions of the GMPV ECS online talks, where we focus on specific sub-disciplines of GMPV. Wednesday January 20th 11:00 CET – Volcanology special edition – speakers tbc. REGISTER HERE. Wednesday February 17th 16:00 CET – speakers tbc. REGISTER HERE. ...[Read More]


Thinking inside the (sand)box

Thinking inside the (sand)box

Ahhh analogue models… Those beautiful little (or not so little) worlds inside a box, captivatingly beautiful, impossibly detailed… (sorry, getting carried away, am I?). This week, Alex Hughes gives us the insider’s report on what actually goes on in analogue modelling labs when the “Experiment running, do not disturb!!” sign is on the door. Analogue models have been a ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Ice-coated roots at sunset

Imaggeo On Monday: Ice-coated roots at sunset

The coating by the ice and the icicles are created through the interplay of wave action and the simultaneous freezing of the water around the exposed tree roots. The reason for the exposed tree roots is increased bank erosion due to a rather unusual circumstance. The combination of the lake not yet being frozen in early winter, and strong winter storms, make it very easy for the waves to erode the ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

GMPV for Sustainable Development – Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining

GMPV for Sustainable Development – Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining

GMPV and The Sustainable Development Goals In 2015 all United Nations Member States adopted a set of Global Goals, as a universal call to protect our planet, end poverty and ensure that all people can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are called the Sustainable Development Goals – 17 integrated goals aimed at addressing the challenges our society is currently facing considering social, economic, a ...[Read More]


Top 5 (Last Minute) Gifts for Geoscientists…!

Top 5 (Last Minute) Gifts for Geoscientists…!

So it’s the winter holidays, and you may be looking for some last-minute gifts for the geoscientists in your life. But because it’s 2020, if you haven’t got anything already, you may be getting worried: shipping times are taking longer and longer, and you might not even be able to visit the nearest shopping centre due to a lockdown.   If this is you, don’t panic: we’ve got you covered with th ...[Read More]

Climate: Past, Present & Future

Deep Purple on Ice – Research on the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Pandemic

Deep Purple on Ice – Research on the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Pandemic

Insights into the EU project Deep Purple, fieldwork during the COVID-19 pandemic and doing research in a camp on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Written by Ph.D. students Rey Mourot (GFZ Potsdam), Laura Halbach (Aarhus University) and Eva Doting (Aarhus University). On maps, Greenland is shown as a massive white island. This vast ice and snow cover plays a vital role in reflecting incoming solar radiatio ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Time To Reflect

Time To Reflect

Albedo or albedon’t? One possible solution to global warming is to turn everything white to increase the planet’s albedo, i.e. how reflective it is (see, for example, this website). A higher albedo would be one way to reduce global warming, by reducing the amount of incoming shortwave solar radiation absorbed by the planet’s surface, which is then re-emitted as longwave radiation that ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Mind your Head: Taking care of yourself during the Corona-virus crisis – Part 2

Mind your Head: Taking care of yourself during the Corona-virus crisis – Part 2

It has been many months since the first lockdown, in some countries about a year, in other countries perhaps eight months. A continuing learning curve, with many ups and downs. Now the end is slowly appearing on the horizon, with promises of vaccines, and several countries making definite plans on when and how to vaccinate. Still – it will take at least 6 months, quite possibly more, until it is o ...[Read More]