EGU Blogs



Become the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the Geodynamics Division!

Become the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the Geodynamics Division!

The Geodynamics division of the European Geosciences Union is looking for a new Early Career Scientist representative (ECS Rep)! Our current ECS Rep (Anna Gülcher) will be stepping down at the EGU General Assembly 2022, which means that the amazing opportunity is open for you to take on this role! In this blog, Anna talks about the tasks involved in being an ECS Rep, the advantages of taking on th ...[Read More]


GeoPolicy: What’s new in 2022?

GeoPolicy: What’s new in 2022?

2021 was yet another year of uncertainty, with many changes and disruptions to our plans, activities, and goals. EGU’s science for policy programme was no exception to this with the Science for Policy Pairing Scheme and annual Science for Policy Event taking a back seat. We hope that 2022 will not only bring new activities but also rekindle those that were put on hold as a result of the pandemic. ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Climate Change & the Cryosphere: Fjord sediments reveal how melting ice impact the marine ecosystem

Glacier debris ice floating in a bay

It is scary how fast the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting and how much freshwater it is discharging to the coastal areas around Greenland. This freshening is having a serious impact to coastal marine primary production, which is the foundation of the Arctic marine food web. Now, because of increased melting and freshwater discharge, we need to understand how coastal ecosystems will react. How will A ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally

The #EGU22 abstract submission is almost here – less than a week until it closes on January 12th at 13:00 CET. So it is time to wrap up our sessions in the spotlight with a last highlight – the interdisciplianry session GMPV9.3 “Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally“. This session is organized by a diverse team consisting of Eva Eibl, Iestyn Barr, Ad ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Mass transfer in subduction zones: Metamorphism, fluids, and melts

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Mass transfer in subduction zones: Metamorphism, fluids, and melts

How to better start the new year than with submitting your abstract to #EGU22? In case you still did not find the right session yet, we have another great session in the spotlight today – GMPV 2.2 “Mass transfer in subduction zones: Metamorphism, fluids, and melts“, which focusses on the fundamental role fluid and melt expulsion from the slab plays in subduction zones. This inter ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Geometric Microscape of Agate

Imaggeo On Monday: Geometric Microscape of Agate

“Crazy Lace” is an agate collected in Mexico, which offers great opportunities for aesthetic photomicrography. Here we see the common arrangement of fibers of chalcedony (microcrystalline quartz) in parallel bands alternating with black thin layers of Fe oxides. Polarized light photomicrograph, crossed polarizers and red tint plate. width 5.4 mm. Sample kindly provided by Denise M. Har ...[Read More]

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

Psychology in outcrop studies: heuristic biases – our ‘best’ enemies?

Psychology in outcrop studies: heuristic biases – our ‘best’ enemies?

There are not many scientific publications that tackle the issue of subjectivity in geological studies and its impact. In one of them, Baddeley et al. (2004), they state it clearly in some sentences: “the judgements of experts can be biased by their use of heuristics to guide the formation of their opinions” or “accepted or prior opinions of existing experts certainly affect the judgement of other ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

2021 Recap of the HS Blog

2021 Recap of the HS Blog

It’s the end of 2021! For our HS Blog, it is time to recap what we have published during the year (in case you want to go further back in time, you can also check the 2019 and the 2020 recaps). In 2021, we published 23 posts, covering a large range of topics, as you can see below. We warmly thank all the authors and contributors that made it possible. We hope you have enjoyed reading their c ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: A meander in the meltwater valley

Imaggeo On Monday: A meander in the meltwater valley

At the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet, surface melt releases old layers of dust, that have travelled thousands of years into the ice. Under sunny weather, the dust heats up with radiation, melts the ice underneath, and thus accumulates in tiny potholes and meltwater creeks. However, this photo was taken after a rainy day. The rain triggered increased melt on the surface of the ice irrelevant of i ...[Read More]


Additional teaching tips

Additional teaching tips

In June 2020 I made (my first!) blog post for the EGU blog on the topic of teaching, describing what I learned by for the first time teaching a full class on my own. It was at the time when teaching suddenly had to shift from in person to online teaching. Last quarter I was teaching again, but now the situation was the reverse. We had to move from online teaching back to in person teaching. In thi ...[Read More]