This year for EGU22 we are very excited to be welcoming five fabulous people into our EGU Communications Team for the next month to help with social media, blogging and the press conferences. These interns and volunteers are going to be assisting EGU Media and Communications Officer Gillian D’Souza and Head of Communications Hazel Gibson, in the run up to, and during the General Assembly, so if you see them online, don’t hesitate to say hi!
Welcome to the team Ubwiza, Fabio, Margot, Laura and Vuong!
Ubwiza Chiyungi (Social Media and Blogging Intern)
Twitter: @WizaChiyungi
Hi, my name is Ubwiza and I currently live in Lusaka, Zambia. I majored in a Environmental Studies for my Bachelor of Sciences at Mulungushi University and I have specialized in non-fiction writing, social media management, content creation and graphic designing for non-profits or social enterprises. The reason I wanted to intern at EGU is because I have always had an interest in geosciences, coming from a science background, and I wanted to able to utilise my skills in social media management.
Fabio Crameri (Social Media and Blogging Intern)
Twitter: @fcrameri
Hi I’m Fabio and I am a geophysicist studying mantle convection through deep time and developing numerical modelling and scientific visualisation tools. Whether it concerns the evolution of our planet through deep time, the changing climate, or the pandemic, I believe accurate and clear science communication is essential. Doing so via online media rebuilds trust in both scientists and fact-based information, while also supporting behavioural change for a low-carbon society. Being able to do this communication internship at the EGU is therefore a truly valuable opportunity for me.
Margot Courtillat (Press Conference Assistant)
Twitter: @MargotCourtill1
Hi, my name is Margot Courtillat and I am a French micropaleontologist. After finishing my PhD in Paleoceanography from the University of Perpignan in France where I specialized in microfossil (foraminifera) recognition and geochemistry (Nd and Sr isotopes), I participated in an IOPD expedition in the Amundsen Sea in January 2019. During this expedition I wrote a daily blog following the life onboard the JOIDES Resolution. Through this experience I learned that I really enjoy communicating about science. I then started a science blog in French (https://paleo-chroniques.fr/). During EGU22, I plan to bring my experience as a blogger and fuel my curiosity throughout the week-long conference!
“Who despises little things will never have big ones.” – French proverb, 1842
Laura Endres (Press Conference Assistant)
Twitter: @la_endres
Hi, my name is Laura, and I am a PhD student in paleoclimate at ETH Zurich. My research focuses on decadal to millennial-scale climate variability over glacial terminations using speleothems, geochemistry and statistical modelling. Before becoming a scientist, I spent my time with sound engineering, primarily for film and contemporary music. So joining EGU22 as a scientist and videographer press assistant is an excellent opportunity for me to combine my interests. I am looking forward to learning about media relations during a scientific conference and contributing to exciting science communication.
“You cannot not communicate” – Watzlawik
Vuong Pham (Press Conference Assistant)
Hi, I’m Vuong I hold a PhD in science and management of Climate Change, and I am currently working at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, focusing on multi-risk assessment related to freshwater resources and coastal areas. I’m a passionate photographer and filmmaker. EGU22 is a fantastic opportunity for me to contribute to the scientific community, expand my working network and improve my communication skills. You can reach me at: vuong.pham@cmcc.it or via my website.
“Keep walking the walk, one step at a time.” – Joyce Meyer
Thanks to all our Interns and Press Assistants for helping out – if you see any of them during the week, say hi!