Announcing a new series of articles By Swamini Khurana Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is the coordinated management of natural resources including both water and land. IWRM informs a sustainable path to development without leaving a holistic view of ecosystems out of the context. Thus, it brings together professionals from a wide variety of professional backgrounds to ensure this hol ...[Read More]
Groundwater and granny gears: Hydrogeological tourism on wheels!
By Sam Zipper Groundwater is often invisible because it’s hidden below the ground. However, for those who know what to look for, you can see evidence for groundwater everywhere you look! A couple of years ago, I wrote about the great American groundwater road trip across the Ogallala Aquifer where we could see groundwater in the form of irrigation, streamflow, and town names. In honor of the Unite ...[Read More]
World water day events – making the invisible visible by getting together (even though we barely can these days)
Here at the Water Underground blog we are excited by the myriad of events that are happening on and after March 22, World Water Day which is celebrating groundwater for the first time ever. The flagship kick-off will be the 9th World Water Forum in Diamniadio (Dakar) with other events around the world in March and throughout the year, culminating in the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater in Paris. UNE ...[Read More]
AGU Hydrology Students talk JEDI, awards, and recognizing student success at AGU townhall
By David Litwin At the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in December 2021, the AGU Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S) convened a townhall “Coming Together After Being Apart…” where the AGU Hydrology Section leadership were available for questions from the community, updates on current activities, and plans for future section initiatives. The conversation seemed important to share w ...[Read More]
Unearthing a new editorial team for Water Underground
Post by Tom Gleeson (University of Victoria) The Water Underground blog has existed for about 10 years, largely led by myself with many contributions from around the world (see About). I am excited to announce a new editorial team for the blog. They have emerged from the depths to bravely lead Water Underground into the future! Who? The new editorial team of early career scientists are #sci ...[Read More]
Call for nominations for Water Underground Talks Season 2
Water Underground Talks elevates diverse voices, perspectives and groundwater research. In Season 1, eleven hydrogeologists from around the world shared their passions and exciting research on the connections between groundwater, climate, food and people. Season 2 will build on the success of Season 1 by releasing ~10 more videos that further elevate diverse voices, perspectives and groundwater re ...[Read More]
Hey groundwater instructors! Here’s a new resource for bringing diverse voices and research into your classroom
Tom Gleeson (University of Victoria), Viviana Re (University of Pisa) Now that we have your attention… We have started releasing the Water Underground Talks that we introduced in this post. You can find the full list of talks on this new webpage. Our motivation from the start was to provide new resources to instructors around the world who teach hydrogeology or groundwater hydrology as we ex ...[Read More]
Writing a research vision statement in a pandemic

Tom Gleeson, University of Victoria with lots of input from the GSAS research collective We’ve all done weird, new things in the pandemic. We have tried Zoom parlour games and a few of us have done the pandemic tropes of giving bread baking or even giving a new fitness regime a try. Strangely, the very last thing that we did together in person as a research group before the first pandemic lockdown ...[Read More]
Elevating diverse voices and groundwater research from around the world with Water Underground Talks
By Tom Gleeson and Viviana Re It has been a challenging year of a pandemic, economic collapse and an ever-increasing awareness of racism, all set against a backdrop of other global challenges including climate change and food security. We believe it is important to link groundwater with these challenges and to stay positive using our science and work as scientists to contribute to a better future. ...[Read More]
A buffet of new resources for teaching hydrology and water resources!

By Tom Gleeson (aka Dr. H2O) The content of this post will be presented as an invited eLightning presentation at AGU 2020 in the session “Online Hydrology Education: Lessons Learned from Designed and Impromptu Remote Instruction”. When: Tuesday, 8 December 2020: 07:00 – 08:00 PST What I teach and basic resources I teach Sustainable Water Resources (CIVE 340) at the University of Victoria – a ...[Read More]